Oct 27, 2007 01:11
I promised a lot of new decks, didn't I?
OKAY and to add substance and crap to the news post, I'm actually get back to doing my not-job. Expect a news post tomorrow or Sunday~♥
Do you like the new decks? I hopefully got what you guys wanted (considering Gurren Lagann and Ouran were like the most wanted decks), and I'm aware that I got double names, ugh. I really should learn to check before naming them BUT OH WELL. ,-, I'll fix it.....eventually. I also made decks of most characters that I can think of, so that means SUBMIT IMAGES. Don't forget to include deck names, okay? Also, I don't want the obscure characters. Sorry. Just main ones, and a limit of 5 decks per month, mmmkay?
Send me the next batch!