Anime Trivia Round79

May 02, 2009 23:37

Alright guys! Look, your mod is actually trying to be timely with things after a whole 2 weeks of rehearsals from after school to 11pm (and then proceeding to finish homework at like...2 in the morning)! although my timezone is probably behind most of yours

The anime Heat Guy J, how did Daisuke's father die?

A correct answer will earn you 3 random cards. This round closes May 9, 2009.

Mutsuki Ichimonji: tries to help him with hw/tutor him
Kisaragi Ninomai: gives him different types of medications
Yayoi Sanzenin: scrubs his back with ice water
Uzuki Shitenno: builds him a mecha
Satsuki Gokajo: attempts to put him to sleep but ends up squashing his face in her boobs

games, weekly, anime trivia

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