Ohei gaiz, this is Adam, btw. <-- *points to icon over there* So you know what
haruhara is talking about for Spot the Difference.
headshot likes him too. :DD
1) You are allowed to pick up to 5 out of 20 lottery tickets.
2) However, this isn't like pick a card - you have to "buy" the tickets with your own cards. One ticket is worth one regular card.
3) To buy your tickets, you must post the cards you are buying with, the names of the card(s), and the numbers you want.
4) If you do not post both the cards and the names of the cards, you still give up the cards but you don't get the tickets. You have now been warned.
5) At the end of the round, we'll draw 5 numbers. One match gets you a prize, two matches get you a bigger prize, three matches get you an even bigger prize... you get the gist.
one match: 2 random cards
two match: 4 random cards + 2 bronze
three match: 8 random cards + 2 silver
four match: 14 random cards + 1 gold + 2 silver
five match: 22 random cards + 2 gold + 4 silver
No need to throw your cards down the drain, right? Because gambling without knowledge is bad, here're the probabilities for you ^~
If you buy...
one ticket
1 match: 25%
two tickets
1 match: 39.47%
2 matches: 5.26%
three tickets
1 match: 46.05%
2 matches: 13.16%
3 matches: 0.88%
four tickets
1 match: 46.96%
2 matches: 21.67%
3 matches: 3.10%
4 matches: 0.10%
five tickets
1 match: 44.02%
2 matches: 29.35%
3 matches: 6.77%
4 matches: 0.48%
5 matches: 0.000064%
Aaaaannnnddd that's why the prizes are super fabulous.
This round ends on Sunday, May 3rd.