Distorted! Round51

Dec 27, 2008 16:08

I have no story this week. *is uncreative* You still have time to answer last week's round, but I'm just posting early because I'm going to San Francisco tomorrow. 8D

Tell me what this horribly mangled card is and you'll get 3 random cards and 1 bronze cert! Yes all my games this week have boosted prizes! Yay!

EDIT: Wow...no one's replied yet, so...raising the prize to 5 random cards and 1 silver cert. The round closes tomorrow, so go go go! o/

This round's a little tough, so I'm giving everyone a hint: If you do a hand/headstand, you may be able to see it as a regular distorted round. It's up to you to decipher my confusing hint (I find it a little confusing myself), but yeah. Hopefully, head/handstand will hint at how to figure this one out correctly.

This round ends January 3rd, 2008 is closed.

Last round was Pact10.

games, distorted!, weekly

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