(no subject)

Dec 09, 2006 17:43

hey guys. :3 Wow, I've been idle for a looooong time, ne? Yeah. It's the usual excuses, school, friends, school, and more school. I haven't done any web design lately either, just haven't been in the mood and plus I had a layout block not too long ago. Oh yeah, and I've become seriously obsessed with DDR/Dance, Dance, Revolution. It rocks. XD

Anyways. I will be moving to a new LJ username soon, and if I'm good my mother said she'd let me have a paid LJ account for my birthday. Yay! :O So yeah. I've already transfered all my current information to my new username, and hopefully I'll be able to load my FMA moodthemes up into it soon. Which will take foreeeeveeerr.

I'm still going to keep this journal open, because I love it so. And it has so many memories in it. But I decided to start fresh. So here is the new username link..

lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven lostxxheaven

Just comment and add me. I'll definately add you back if you were on my previous friends list, but if you're new I'll decide. :O :D

I miss youuuuuuuuuuu allllllll.
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