Okay, so have you ever woken up to the feeling of some body part or any part of you for that matter, hurting and you don't know why it does or how it happened?
Well.. o_o; I did this morning. It feels like someone punched me in the left eye and it hurts. It doesn't look like anything happened to it though. Maybe I just slept on my eye last night? No idea..
I have nothing to do right now.. that's probably why I'm updating my LJ as sad as that sounds. >_>; I need some more Fahrenheit music! Too bad they haven't really released anything else yet other than their album which I have. ;_; I need some S.H.E music too. They have nice voices. xD I'm gonna go find some, I think.. in my spare time that I have.
The reason I didn't start updating my LJ more often like I said I would, was because I was not only busy on gaia, but I was busy doing commissions on gaia. xD; I did like.. 10 drawings so far this month, and I've never drawn that much in less than a month ever. o_o; Mind boggling. Anyway, I still have about 9 drawings altogether to do.. x_x; But only two of them I need to have done within some time period. The rest were free drawings-- no wait. I have to do more than 9 then. I forgot about all those people I told I would draw for free who asked so nicely. *sighs* Oh well.
Anyway, how's everyone doing? ♥ I haven't heard from a lot of you in a while.
My birthday's May 11th! :D I'm gonna be 17! And you know what? I don't feel old like those 12 year olds who turn 13 and think "I am getting so old!" LOL. 13 is young, geez. Live and think young while you're still a teenager. Because you're only one once. Don't put stress on yourself on getting older at that age, or you'll give yourself a brain tumour. D: Joking.
I need a layout.. Not a wallpaper. :/ Hm. Anyone know where I can find some for LJ possibly?
OH, OH. Hana Kimi had a disappointing ending to the drama series! Wtf was that!? xDD They don't even get to tell the secret and that he knew! And why was Shin only in one episode!? *complains* I'm going back to reading the manga. I think they were missing some cool characters too. :/ I don't know. But the person who plays Nanba is hot. And I love the person who plays Umeda. xDD He is awesome. And hey, Jiro Wang made up for the whole series with his heavenly sexiness. ♥ So did Wu Zun. :D Jiro is such a weirdo! xD I love how when he's mad he smiles all cute, then he looks like he's going to hurt someone. xDD!
No, I totally did not go to photobucket yesterday and look up pictures of Jiro and Wu all day and hoard them. :D
Oh, and uh... what was I going to say. OH! Anyone who likes shoujo manga should read Punch! because it's really cute. I was thinking about getting Happy Hussle High too at some point, but I dunno. I hear it's pretty close to Hana Kimi, that whole plot thing anyway. xD I so need to grab Angel Sanctuary vol. 19 when I see it on the shelves. It wasn't in the store last time. T_T; I wonder why.. sold out? I'm probably going to flip out like my sister did when she found Hana Kimi vol. 1 (? was it 16 or 17? What's the newest one? xD) on the shelves. She got it for a really late birthday present.
Know what I'm asking for for my birthday!? A cellphone. I'm going to ask for and hopefully get..
Vampire Knight vol. 2 [[Matsuri Hino]]
Death Note vol. 11 [[Takeshi Obata]]
Godchild vol. 5 [[Kaori Yuki]]
Absolute Boyfriend vol. 4 [[Yuu Watase]] (if it's out then.)
Punch! vol. 3 [[Rie Takada]]
I want to get xxxHolic at some time, as well as the rest of X/1999, and I want to find out if Suki has anymore books anywhere.. o_o; And.. I want to get some Ouran sometime.. and maybe Meri Puri if I like it. Matsuri Hino's Vampire Knight is really cute. KANAME. ♥ What else am I missing?
And probably something stupid like a May collectible from gaia. xDD; AHAHA. Nerd. :B
Vince: sorry for punching you.
Vince: D:
Yume`: 0:< SO IT WAS YOU.
Vince: i thought i'd catch you while a'sleepin.
Yume`: You.. you ASIAN
Yume`: xDD
Vince: i was like, "she's asleep! =D!" then BAM!
Yume`: xDD
Yume`: It's not black and blue.
Vince: I know. I'm a ninja. 0:
Vince: i am able not to make it look black and blue.
Yume`: xDD
Yume`: Yeah, it'll just turn that color later.
Yume`: 0:
Vince: ...
Vince: okay, you got me.
Vince: i stabbed it with a poisoned dagger.
Vince: my bad. 0:
Yume`: 0:
Yume`: Oh, shiz.
Vince: yee.
Vince: so you gonn' die.
Yume`: ..
Yume`: *waits*
Vince: any minute now. 0:
Yume`: .. .
Yume`: Still alive.
Yume`: 0:
Vince: ...
Vince: uhh, i set you to die in like a few hours. 0:
Vince: so yeah.
Yume`: Yeah. 08
Yume`: Well.
Yume`: I'll still be here.
Vince: your chinese bishie friends can't save you now.
Vince: or maybe they can.
Vince: 0:
Yume`: ;__;
Vince: cause that last guy you showed me was damn hot.
Yume`: xDDDDD
Yume`: Wu Zun? Or Jiro?
Vince: uhh
Vince: that guy with the black shirt.
Vince: 0:
Yume`: .. That was Jiro. >3
Vince: yeah, him. 0:
Vince: more plz.