Whee hee, lazy day today~ Got to sleep in, watched TV all day, played a little FINAL FANTASY XII. Got kind of a busy week this week, so I figured I get my rest in today.
Watched the MTV Movies Awards a little while ago. It was alright, but kinda boring. Best part: when the director of TRANSFORMERS announced that filming for TRANSFORMERS 2 starts tomorrow!!!! 8D
Speaking of TRANSFORMERS, I gotta switch the page on my calender. I think its Bonecrusher this month...
Gotta get all ready for my trip back home on Thursday. I'll probably pack tomorrow, get that out of the way. Not sure what I'll take on the bus with me. Probably a book or two, and Kuro-pon (AKA: my DS) with a couple of games. I might take some healthy snacks too, just so I'm not tempted to buy chips or anything at the bus terminals (some protein bars or something)
galenhiril, I totally burnt your CD today! And it took up two disks!! 8D ILU!! ♥♥♥
I just realized I haven't played POKEMON: PEARL in, like... 2 months! I MUST FIX THIS!!!