Up for less than an hour, already laoded on caffine for the day! Yay for indescribably strong coffee!
Father came to visit last weekend! Didn't get to see him a whole lot thanks to work, but we spent Saturday hanging out in Kelowna. I bought the new PHOENIX WRIGHT game as well as some books and some new shirts.
I rented some PS2 games on Tuesday for my days off (which were yesterday and Wednsday). DAWN OF MANA is pretty good so far, but I don't like that I have to start at level 1 every chapter DX And I played RESIDENT EVIL 4 a little bit with Kyle, but I learned that I am very bad at it. I'm still trying, but I just can't seem to stay alive more than five minutes... Wow, that's so pathetic...
Also started watching GURREN LAGANN. OMG, I love this sereis to bits, but the fact that they killed off my favourite character before they even got to episode 10 makes me a little more than sad. I've already come to terms with the fact that my favourite characters are almost always doomed to death or mutilation of some kind, but come on! At least let him make it to the double digit episodes before he kicks the bucket DX
I've actually started iconing again! I swear, I made like 10 icons over the last two days! They're mostly coloured BLEACH manga icons, but I've got a couple of other random ones thrown in there. Maybe an icon post soon...
Oh! And I uploaded more CODE GEASS screencaps over at
limevision! Got up to episode 05 now XD I'm so productive.
Wow. I only have 29 days left at my job... That is both exciting and scary. Exciting because OMGYAYA no more Big Macs!!! And scary because OMG leaving home soon...
Work drama is starting to get really annoying. People need to grow up... Oh well, I'm not going ot worry about it. I know the rumours are all just crap and if my firendship with someone is causing that much whatever with his girlfriend, maybe they shouldn't be together in the first place... And if it doesn't resolve itself soon, I'm leaving anyway, so I won't have to care much longer! XD
Speaking of work, its about time I start getting ready for it... God, I haven't done a day shift in like... God, 2 weeks?