OK, so one day (um...last week) Me, Phoebe, and Lain were all over my house and I had a camera. Yeah. We are great. While this was going on Jenny was in the background acting like Australia "WTF, mate? ^^"
Me. =D
Lain threw her cape in my face while I was taking a picture. We died laughing later looking at this picture. Infact, I'm smiling right now.
Lain trying to put on her cape. I took a picture of it. :D
Lain in the cape...Her hair looked good that night so I took a ot of pictures of her.
Me and Lain posing. We said we'd go as Greed and Kimblee nect year. Lain brought over her boa so I put it on and was Greed for a while. Especially with my small eyes.
All three of us. Phoebe said I look high and she looked like a Beaver. It was the only picture I have of all three of us...and she's right, I look high and nastah in that picture.
I dunno about the beaver thing. I'll stop typing this now.
Well, we made this RAWKIN' video, but I can't post it...because...it's a video.
So, yeah. :D