Semi writers block

Jun 17, 2005 13:55

Just got home from the summer courses i'm taking. I'm really tired from the work and i can't wait til it's over! I'm stuck on something though, i can't get an appropriate title to my story. I've been running hundreds of ideas through my head. It's driving me NUTS!! I'm trying to think of one but nothing comes to me! I have great ideas for the story plot, though, so it technically isn't a writer's block. Oh well! It'll come to me sooner or later, i just hopw it's more sooner than later. I got to the 15th page. Woot! Woot! It's a big deal since i don't usually get past the tenth page on some ideas! I no that's sad but can i do? I usually get better ideas and leave the old ones. Wish me luck if i'm lucky i meight have it finished by the end of October or beginning of November. It takes a while!

I no that Ama and Chabel got to go to the beach on wed. and i couldn't go!! *sniff* I had to go do my hair n all that good stuff 4 this retirment party 4 my mom's boss the next day (boring!). Oh well wut can u do? I'm still excited bout my trip 2 Europe. I leave in 2 weeks from today! YES!! As u can see i'm counting the days n hours too (not the minutes...yet :D ).

I have to go to my cousins party tomorrow n i'm not extatic bout going. I mean i'm not dreading it but i'm just not jumping off the walls. My cousin is so excited though that she can't stop jumping off the walls! She had no end to her boundless energy! Sheesh! She drives me nuts sometimes! Oh well.

Oh yea! I just found out the 3rd Inuyasha movie comes out in September (YAY) Happy person! I really can't wait for it to come out! I hear it is super good. If any1 likes Inuyasha this is the movie to see! I hope it's better than the 2nd one even though the first is going to be hard if not impossible to beat. I can't wait. Although i noticed that everything good in movies and books comes out in Septmeber! Ahh! It's so frustrating to have to wait so long! I no it's not usually the writers that hold up the publishing because if it was b/c the book wasn't finished, amazon wouldn't even mention the book. If the book is mentioned on amazon then it's b/c the publishers r holding on to it! Argh!! Yes i read 2 much! I like reading! I can't really help it! I would read the Da Vinci code if my parents didn't forbid me! Rats n i heard it was great! Oh well i guess i'll have 2 wait. I g2g, write later.
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