Dec 28, 2008 18:52
So I won and bought a Volks kimono set for my SD10 Megu. Seller emails me today that as she was preparing my package, she realized that the kimono was stolen from her shop!!! WTF?! So she wants me to choose another item or get a refund. Now I would rather much have the kimono as I've been searching one for a long time, but looks like I'll get refunded now. :( Should I post the pic of the kimono here and DoA? I'm thinking that the thief may try to sell it. O_O
Also, I'm really debating if I should get the YoSD Kira that's on DoA. I really want a YoSD Megu, but since I'll be completely redoing her faceup to match my Megu, it won't matter which of the 4 sisters I get.
I know I've been meaning to post pics and updates and stuff, but I've been busy and going through so much. ^^* I'm glad the holidays allow me some time for dolls though!