Off-Site LiveJournal LiveJournal.

Sep 03, 2004 04:37

... Or something.
Basically, manana is my first day of work.  They want me to come in early (4:30 AM) to do some new hir~e paperwork or something, training maybe.  That means tomorrow will be a twelve hour job day.  I don't know how people eat, if they get a locker or what, so I don't know if I am to bring food in for myself or what... Basically, I won't be eating tomorrow for twelve hours or so.  Eleven hour days (my check will count ten since 'hopefully' lunch is an hour) through a whole week is going to give me some cash.  I actually did the math out, and before taxes I will be making about $700/week, if I have Monday through Friday work weeks, which is a five day work week.  If Saturdays and Sundays are included in their office hours, then I will be making more (the $700 outcome was dependent on five day weeks, or fifty hours) than my estimate.  If they do have Saturday and Sunday work days, then it could be possible for me more than $700, of course.

Anyways, I am soon to rid myself of this LiveJournal mess for I cannot control how people view the page itself and the background.  Right now, my background is set for users of 1024x768, so me, on my 1152x864 desktop resolution, the background is off and ugly.  So to combat this, I will make a DNS entry on my $10/month server,  The DNS entry name will be something in a variant of or  Cerberus is basically my new name for my real life, technical or working side, as apposed to my ABCreations, which is my online side of my life.

Run Down :
Cerberus -> Real Life/Machining/Computer Assembly
ABCreations -> Online/Web Design/Image Design/Art

I got the name Cerberus from the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell.
Basically saying life is Cerberus, protecting us from death, but as all security systems, a break-in is always a fact of life.

Since it will be on my webpage, I can have control of the way things are viewed on different computers with the use of a pop-up page via a splash page, or what Having a pop-up page of a certain size will allow me to control the area of which viewers will see.  I will use this area to give a daily journal of my working days while being a Machinist.  Hopefully through this medium, I can teach what I have been taught and still learning.  I may even be able to give a different view on how many of the things in this world are made, which is nothing but measuring and precision work.  I expect this area of my site to be updated weekly, which is better than the site in whole for I barely ever update... ever.  This area will hopefully be done during Saturday and Sunday, if those are the days that the wear houses are closed. is the place of which I will be working at.  The website style is of the early 90's and horrifically ugly.  As a basic rule of the Internet, no serious company should ever have their webpage black.  Though, I don't question that they will ever allow me to rebuild their site (though they should).


Until I get my Cerberus DNS site up, I will still be posting here.
With this job, I will soon be able to move out of here, but I am first trying to see if I can get different options rather than having to move straight into a apartment.  I want to dodge any chances of ever moving into a Apartment, and this is the reason, which everybody should realize:

When you live in a apartment, when you leave you have nothing to show for it.
When you pay on a mortgage, you can still sell your house, pay off the rest of the mortgage, and still have money left over.  How?  Only once (back in the 80's) has the price of land ever went down.
So basically having a house you can show money for it, or maybe even get all of what you were paying on your mortgage back.
Apartments you can only show debt.

This is the reason why I want to figure out a way to getting a house or even a mortgage before giving up and landing a apartment.  There are this houses called HUD or something, is basically houses taken from the government due to back taxes or other situations.  They sell these to clients (such as myself) for prices as much as $9,000 for a three bedroom house, just as long as the client brings the house and utilities up to code.  If code is not reached, the government takes the house back without reimbursement.  This way is risky, but I will be able to afford $9,000 cash after like a year of working.  This to me, is a better situation than having to whore myself to a landlord and not having anything back after I leave.

Now I just have to get a car...
Wish me luck on my first day of work, birtches!
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