ABCreation's Odd Object Reviews

Jan 04, 2004 05:42

I'm going to give people who read my LJ's (like 2-3 people) a sneak peek at ABCreation's Odd/Random Object/Product Review.

Anything can be reviewable.
Thus, the Random/Odd tag.

Anyways, first up is Cable Clamp company's Cable Cuffs.

Cable Clamp in action!

I saw a these babies being sold at Home Depot for only 35 cents a piece. Me having outrageous spending habits, decided to pick up a few of these babies to straighten up the cables that reside below my desk. They come in three sizes, small to large, depending on what you need organized; anything from extension cables to power cords.

The design of it is quite unique. It incorporates slanted jagged teeth that slides quite easily on it's side, but stays in place once it locks onto it's face. It's hard to describe, so just think of Police Cuffs, how you are able to slide it one way but locks to the other. But there is one flaw in the locking method; when it comes to small cables it can handle the job quite well... but me and my friend Mr. Hammer did a little strength test.

Shamed Cable Cuff.

And this was the result.
The bridge that held the locking mechanism broke off at where the bridge connects to the body of the clamp. Even though a suitable amount of force was placed upon this, this still gives the product some mark-offs in points.

Final Analysis
--------------------------------This product is quite good for just organizing common cords... but if you have many cords going into different directions and you want to localize them at some point, which will cause pressure and pull, then this may not be the product you want. Days of stress may be too much for the skinny... flimsy bridge of this nifty product, and may cause it to break on itself. For this I give the product seven out of possible ten review points. It's a good buy, under the condition that you won't be putting too much force onto it.
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