
Apr 25, 2013 02:05

i just wanna say that those who want and/or still want to read my stories especially "Musical", kindly add this new account of mine.


If you still haven't leave a comment in "Introduction" and you want to read my stories, i hope you'll introduce yourself first there and i'll add you up.

The difference of this new account is that, i will only add the readers who leave comments. This time, i won't add random people. and this time it will always be friend locked or if i want, i'll friend locked it a day after i posted it.

i know it's kind of selfish to only add the people i'm familiar with -people who leave comments- but i have to. actually, i'm the kind of person who get motivated by reading comments of my beloved readers.

i also want to say sorry in advance if i cant add you back immediately because my internet wont really cooperate with me all the time. also if i cant always update my stories.

quite complicated, right? i'm really sorry because its just my personality to be complicated and twisted at times.

thank you!
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