Friends-only as of October 17th 2009!

Oct 17, 2020 18:29

updated November 2nd, 2009!

*due to requests from some of my lazy ass YM friends, now this journal is SEMI Friends-only!!
Males amat sih bikin LJ doang!!!
-If you feel that we have something in common (check out my first-post~), or simply just want a new friend, feel free to add me and PLEASE COMMENT HERE!

-I don't mind if you use my art somewhere, please just credit~

-Don't flame plz!

-I'm a bad bad BAD commenter, I read my f-list's journal entries, but I rarely comment... So sorry! I usually don't know what to comment or just being plain lazy^^;

-Feel free to point grammar errors! You know English is not my native language =P

-Feel free to fangirling with me <3 XDDD

One last important note:
I'm a spammer. Yes, a SPAMMER. If I'm on a blogging mood, I could post up till 5 journals a day. IF YOU COMMENT HERE THAT MEANS YOU'RE READY TO RECEIVE MY USELESS JOURNAL SPAMS. Don't comment if you don't like it.

That pic on the top is an ooooooold drawing, when I was still a beginner on photoshop =_=; Please excuse the lameness!

friends-only, announcement

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