Mar 05, 2005 00:05
Today was pretty sweet. Although I had to get up early to go to OWC for the competition, it was totally worth it. We totally destroyed the competition. We ruled in Class Y, getting first place in team and 5 of the top 10 places for individuals (Matt - 1st, me - 2nd, Sean - 3rd, Adam - 6th, Chris - 8th). When we got back I went to work at the talent show, helping Stone and Stevens work the sound equipment. I worked my ass of all night, but the show was pretty good so I guess it was worth it. It was kinda funny that, at the end of the show, they thanked "Alex" for doing all the work with the sound, but didn't specify which, and they also didn't pluralize their congratulation, which means they were only thanking one of us, presumably Stone. But it doesn't really mattter one way or another. After packing everything up and taking it back to the school, Stone and I went to the Taco Bell on 9th, where we ran into Graham, Justin, and Chris H. Later Bala, Jason, and Thanh showed up, as well as some junior girls (Jessica, Jill, and Kimmie). We had a bit of a water gun shootout in the parking lot, and I nailed Chris with a water balloon. Kimmie tried to hit me with a water balloon to, but she hit my stain-resistant pants (the greatest invention of all time) and the water just ran off. Then Bala tried to hit me with a couple, but they all bounced off, all 3 of 'em. I then proceeded to soak him with one of my water guns. Of course my mom had to break up the fun, calling me to bitch about me not being home when I was supposed to, so I had to head home. I just got in, about 2 hours after I was supposed to be home, and I need to get up at 3 to go to Tallahasse for the Chiles competition. Who need sleep anyway?