Jan 17, 2006 23:28
So, I'm trying to get back into translating, mostly in preparation for a graduate progam I'd like to get into. I work on it in my spare time, maybe once or twice a week, although I think I need to bump up the consistency. Anyway, what I'm really doing is complaining, you just cant tell it yet.
Do you know how it is when you run across a string of words, and you know what they mean separately, but together they just dont make any sense (psst- if english is your only language, you dont know what I'm talking about). Well, I've come across that in this article, and I just keep running into it and its really becoming an annoyance.
see, in German, the text reads " Der etwas andere Western" describing the movie Brokeback Mountain.
literally, this means "the some other western" but that doesnt make sense.
I have been translating it as "the off-color western" mostly because when I 1st read the sentance in german, that is the phrase that popped in my head. But I am constantly second guessing myself every time I run into the phrase. I could be totally wrong. it wouldnt be the 1st time. and its not like it really matters, in a sense, because I am just translating for fun, its not for a grade or anything, but it DOES matter, because I want to know what it really means, and how close I was (if at all) to the correct meaning. So, I am almost, (almost) tempted enough to email my old german Professor, but....not quite.
In case anyone is interested, these translations of mine are going up on my myspace blog, because it is easier for me to type them than write them, and I figure this way I am helping the english speaking world to read well-read german news.
so, back to translating.