1. Name: Tessa Brereton
2. Age (no one under 13, please): 15
3. Location: Saratoga, Wyoming
4. Three positive adjectives to describe yourself: Hyper, Loyal, Creative
5. Three negative adjectives to describe yourself: Temperamental, Violent, Defensive
6. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: Tokyo, Japan because I really like anime.
7. Describe your relationship with love: I'm semi-taken. It's hard to explain. I'm very romantic in some of my thoughts, but I get really down on myself (I don't think that he likes me as much as I like him).
8. Favourite three books: Pendragon Series, Tortall Series, and The Inheritance Trilogy
9. Favourite three movies (excluding animated films): Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, X-Men
10. What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: It's a nickname given to me based on my real name.
11. If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be?: I wouldn't be living in Saratoga, I'd be someplace populated.
12. Why do you love animated movies? I love them because a lot of the times I can just immerse myself in their world, and I love the artwork.
13. Anything else we should know?: I like anime, video games, reading, writing, drawing, making anime music videos, etc.
14. Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself, or give a description of yourself if you have no pictures:
From Prom, *Glomps James*
Kristen did my hair for prom! :D
It was really hot today, and I've either been riding my bike or in a car for most of the day. I look gross. XD
Again, today. I was on the phone with Bobby from NJ then.