Mar 12, 2012 22:45
Last Monday we started seeds of various sorts in the basement. Here is what we put in and here is what has come up:
Snow Peas: Sprouted (and planted)
Sweet Peas: Sprouted (and planted)
Yardlong Beans: Sprouted (and planted)
Climbing Beans: Sprouted (and planted)
Bush Beans: look about ready to sprout
Zucchini: prepared today
Pattipan squash: prepared today
Sugar Pumpkins: prepared today
Basil: might need new seeds
Green onions: Some sprouting! Also some seeds just sitting on the surface
Tomatoes (3x: Roma, Brandywine, and a table hybrid): one or two sprouts
Eggplants: pots keep drying, probably dead
Broccoli: a couple of definite sprouts
Collards: maybe sprouting?
Brussel's Sprouts: Wow! Going like there's no tomorrow!
Containers outside:
Bok Choy
We're going to sow swiss chard over the bok choy when it is over (the stuff tends to bolt like crazy). It looks like we're going to try to do carrots and parsnips in the actual ground this year. We also bought two blackberry bushes (thornless, sadly), so we'll see how they do. The goal is to not buy any seedlings this season at all. (Although I may put my foot down and get a mint plant).
Anyway, that's the progress at one week in. Huzzah!