Here's all the stuff I've been doing:
Shape Note Convention: AWESOME!!!! 150+ songs. Hear us
Garden: Planted seeds Monday. First sprouts today!
Work: MAAAAARS CAAAAAART! Up all night Friday. Wheeeee! Oh, and got to see someone beat Adventure for the first time. So happy.
Work/Health: Kinda sick now. Possibly because I work in a germ factory Children's museum.
Ballet: Sleeping Beauty! It was beautiful; I was sleeping. But still very awesome.
Webcomics: Gil throws people out of airships for great justice! I freakin love Gil.
Doctor Who: Finished Series 5! So close to caught up! Unsure what to do with life afterwards. Also: Rory, man. Most obvious example of Took A Level In Badass I have ever seen. I think he leveled up like three times in two episodes. Cross-classing definitely a good move.
Shape Note Today: Was awesome! Tried all the new stuff we heard at convention. Whee! Voice unexpectedly up for it!
Walking Dead: OMGWTFBBQ. Spoilers when I get around to it.