Jan 11, 2012 20:13
I don't normally say anything political here, but I am rather incensed.
I learned today that President Obama and Hillary Clinton defunded the Global Virus Network's work in Africa because they were working with Catholic Relief Services, and they didn't want aid money going through a faith-based organization. Now aid money goes through the (famously corrupt) local governments and, as a result, little if any of it trickles down to the people who need it.
Catholic Relief services, for the record, is among, if not the most effective charity organizations in the world. They are also known for not using the charity as a vehicle for furthering their own theological and doctrinal agendas. (In their work with the GVN, for instance, they are actually not allowed to teach abstinence as a method of disease prevention). I would have said "religious agendas", but, funnily enough, helping the poor, feeding the hungry, and curing the sick happens to be one of their primary religious agendas.
So yes. By all means! Take money away from the people who are finally starting to make some headway against AIDS. They're catholics.