Oct 31, 2011 02:42
Today is (well, was) Sunday, which means The Walking Dead. Zombie cupcakes were a huge success. And then we stayed up way too late making more cupcakes for the office halloween party tomorrow - er, later today. But they're awesome so it's okay.
In tonight's episode of the Walking Dead, Glen got lines again! Huzzah! I find I hate Laurie more every time she opens her mouth. Although the people around her are getting wise to the fact that she's absolutely nuts. Rick had this whole rant that amounted to "Last week you were very adamantly saying A. Now you are equally adamantly saying Not-A. What changed? What the blank is wrong with you?"
On the upside, they have solved the problem they were having where all the male characters were likeable and none of the female characters were. In both directions! One of the guys turned to the Dark Side and they finally introduced a worthwhile girl. (Technically, that happened last week - she rode in on a horse like an avenging polo player and smacked the heads off some zombies. It was awesome). And according to the Other One, they are deviating more and more from the comics. But the show is still very good - although I am distressed by one of the major characters turning to the Dark Side. Not that you can really blame him given all the OMG DRAMA! Also, this season seems to have a lot more of people wandering around in the woods arguing with each other. :/ Still better than Harry Potter though.
We also just watched the Star Trek: TNG episode "The Perfect Mate." Okay, either Picard is a masochist or metamorph chick is just a jerk. Why would you do that??? Look, you're an empath programmed socially and biologically to please men. Okay, I'll admit, that sucks. And you decide you can do this best by spending an entire episode torturing Picard. And then you make an inexplicable choice against your programming whose only possible effects are to a) ruin your own happiness forever and b) torture Picard. Meanwhile he's been doing his very best to treat her as a person - basically, he's the only man who's ever treated her decently. The only conclusion I can reach is that she must really think he enjoys suffering. Maybe he does? He is a Shakespeare fan after all.
Anyway, now it's time for Doctor Who. It's "Boom Town" - the only Series 1 episode I haven't seen. Hopefully it won't make me angry like my other shows do.
star trek