Name: Jamie
Who were you previously stamped as?: [Main] Princess Atta
[Rankin-Bass] Eowyn
[Sony] Sam
[Studio] Disney
[Blonde] Eilowny
[Red Head] Helen
5 positive words about yourself: creative, moralistic, smart, witty (?), loyal
5 negative words about yourself: emotional, insecure, procrastinator, restless, perfectionist
Give us a short personality bio of yourself:
I'm an ENFP, with a little ESTJ thrown in to make me feel bipolar. My family would say I'm rough around the edges, lazy, loud, bratty, spoiled, and other negative things. Non-family say I'm sweet, nice, kind, and other positive things. So I guess I fall somewhere in the middle? I admit I can be every single one of the negative things said about me, but I hope that there's more good than bad, because I honestly do try to be the calm and reserved person that resides in my head. I don't know, sometimes I feel like I can never find the balance between the two extremes. None of this is helped by the fact that I'm a very insecure person and sometimes it's those insecurities that cause me to act irrationally (getting defensive and arguing for no legitimate reason, for example). I'm slowly but surely getting better, but I'm still pretty emotional and I always dread that people are thinking the worst about me whether it be my looks or my personality.
Love & Relationships
Describe your current love life: Non-existent. It's been that way my whole life as I've never gone on a single date in 23 years (partially because I wasn't actually allowed to date as a teenager, which I'm okay with). I've only ever shared one dance with a guy friend (who is now bisexual, but mostly gay). And needless to say I've never been kissed either lol.
Describe your ideal relationship: He has to be confident enough to balance me out, but not egotistical. He has to be dorky or at least respect that I'm rather dorky. We have to be willing to love each other to the point of sacrificing ourselves for one another if needed. We both need to know how to compromise. We have to share the same values and faith. And communication! I don't want to have to read his mind and I definitely don't want him to ignore me. I want to listen to him when he needs it and I want him to listen to me. I want us to be open and honest. No secrets. I know that's probably a pipedream, but growing up in a house with two parents who have communicated poorly their whole marriage, I just don't think I could be in the same relationship and I couldn't do that to my kids. Oh yeah, he needs to love kids too...because I want anywhere from 4-6! (Beginning to realize while I'm still single? Lol.)
Do you believe opposites attract or tend to go with similarities? I think it varies from couple to couple. I believe any couple can work, but usually people aren't willing to bend or make the hard changes (excepting of course where there is abuse or similar problems in the relationship!). Naturally, opposites tend to attract because we're looking for the things that complete us. We desire to be one whole functioning person. Then again, you need similarities too or else how would you even begin the relationship? You don't have to be identical, but if one person wants kids and another doesn't (for example) then this will probably end badly if no one is willing to compromise.
Have you ever been cheated on? What would you do if you were cheated on? No because I've never dated. I'd probably think I was worthless :/ After the shock wore off though, I'd probably be a little more cautious and prayerful over every relationship, but I wouldn't give up on love I don't think...hopefully!
Have you ever liked someone with a completely different background or culture than you? I really don't think so. I mean, I've crushed on celebrities but that hardly counts I think. Maybe once? But it wasn't serious. I just thought he was nice and I wondered what a relationship would be like. I certainly wouldn't mind being with someone of a different culture, but I really don't think I could marry anyone of say a different religious background. I'm too committed to my own faith.
Have you ever fallen for the "other person" rather than the one you were supposed to be with? Once, but it was more in the sense of crushing on the wrong person while not realizing who was better for me and who actually liked me for me. IDK.
THIS OR THAT (about the relationship)
Loud or quiet? Both.
Outgoing or reserved? Both.
Aggressive or passive? Um I really don't know how either would work, so I guess I'll just say a balance of both.
Romantic or unromantic? ROMANTIC!
Love or lust? Love. I understand why lust is an important component of a healthy relationship by nature, but at this point I really would prefer being in a mostly asexual relationship where sex is more or less just for procreation lol. Of course, that could definitely change when I actually find the love of my life.