Name: Whitney
Age: 22
Previously stamped as:
Mulan for regular
Nala for animal
Prilla for fairy
Yzma for villain
Nala for sidekick
Tarzan for matchmaker
Mulan & Milo for lovechild
Jane Porter for mirror
General Location: Sacramento, CA
Four positive adjectives describing you: funny, loyal, independent, creative
Four negative adjectives describing you: tough, shy, stubborn, evasive
Sunny or cold: sunny
Determined or Accepting: determined
Brave or Safe: brave
Quiet or outspoken: quiet, but outspoken when needed
General questions:
Which location would you absolutely not live in? Wonderland, too trippy for me
Do you like tropical locations? yes
Do you like historical locations? yes
Would you live in a crowded city? It wouldn’t be my first choice, but it’d be all right
Are you an environmentalist? yes
What is your favorite continent? North America
Are you fine with living in the same location forever? No, I like to travel