Mar 07, 2006 06:07
Hi Friends,
Just a note that there will be no specific names used in the text of the messages. Feel free to discuss ideas, how to accomplish them and just be friends.
The purpose of this list is to learn about restoring friendships and learning about disorders that tend to prevent such relational occurrances.
Thanks for being a part of this
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We inject our chickens, cows and foods with so many preservatives, chemicals and hormones. Things that NEVER entered a child's mouth or body when our grandparents were young. What long term effects have these chemicals had on our youth? Childhood diabetes, childhood obesity, cancer, heart disease, to name a few off the top of my head are on the rise! More children have food and airborn allergies, they have asthma and things like GERT. Haven't we stopped to consider why now, in the last twenty years, more "diseases" have been discovered than at any other period of human history? In our quest to make things faster, easier and better, I think we are slowly killing ourselves! There is a reason why these chemicals that are supposedly harmless, weren't included naturally and by design. Because they aren't all that harmless. You have to stop and consider what goes into our bodies and what the connection to autism, depression, bi-polarism, etc. is in our society. People keep saying that Asperger's isn't real. I don't know the answer to that question. It very well could be. A by-product of the vaccine's we use, the chemicals found in our food, the lifestyles we lead. I do know that once people have been diagnosed, it is too easy for them to stop and accept the answer to that question: "What's wrong with me?" and just wallow in self pity and stop taking responsibility for their actions. Oh, it's not my fault I'm this way, I didn't choose to be bi-polar. Being bi-polar or having Asperger's doesn't stop you from making daily choices, it only hinders you and causes your motivations to differ from the average human. These conditions DON'T CHOOSE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU. Only you can do that. You can choose to be happy. Saying that you can't because you are bi-polar isn't true. Yes, you have a chemical imbalance that causes your moods to swing from one extreme to another. And in some extreme cases, I do realize and acknowledge that some people aren't aware of what they are doing or how they act. I do recognize those conditions. I do see that it is that way for many people. But they are still responsible to some degree for the choices they are able to make. We, as a society, are too quick to try and blame our unhappiness or bad decisions on something other than what we've chosen. No matter the situation, if we choose, we can be happy and make the most of it. Or we can choose to be angry with everyone, to not forgive mistakes, to shut out the people who love us the most and want us to be happy. It's called apathy. I lived my life that way for a time and I couldn't bare it any longer.
I'll end my soap box speech with this: I have always tried to put myself in other people's shoes, at least those I care deeply about. To understand them better, to think like they did. It doesn't always work because all I have to go on is me, my instincts, my experiences. I just have to accept that people are they way they are and I may never know why. People with Asperger's don't have the ability to empathize, or so I've read. Does Asperger's take that ability away from them? Or was it merely the diagnosis of such? Were they trying very hard before to understand other people, and then gave up because they were told it was futile because of their disorder? Empathy is one of our greatest tools in understanding those around us and its a shame someone I cared for deeply lost that ability. Was it because they had Asperger's or because they were diagnosed?
No one is perfect, we all have our struggles. Most of us don't have "named" ones tho. Maybe we are better off for it. I don't know.
I believe that a diagnoses certainly could be used for good, and that parents are trying to do just that, but when it is against one's will then it doesn't do much good!
Thanks for posting. :)
empathy is NOT easy, but I stop for the world!here is a helpful quote I read from a shaman teaching another person to be a shaman:
"You will be required to confront many powerful adversaries, because the dark always follows the light. You can only overcome these opponants if you refuse to BECOME them. If you win by acting as they do, then you have lost everything" ("Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the secret wishes of the soul" by Robert Moss, p 144).
We are the only species that drinks milk after being weened, AND the only one that drinks milk from another species! Why are we drinking and eating (cheese, ice cream, etc.) goat or cow milk. when it wasn't made for us to drink, but I guess it might not be so bad, because we didn't have so many problems in humans until liek 20 years ago, when we added growth hormones and made cows meat-eaters/cannibals!
Babies get lots of immunity from the mohters milk, also it helps the baby and mother to bond. Formulah is a good thing, tho.
What I tried to do for my friend was help convince them to take more positive action for themselves, I only meant to end the self-pity and encourage them with empathy. I also find it my goal and ability to have empathy for others. AND YET my own family (sister and Dad) assumed I had problems, AND these problems had symptoms making them assume I had AS. You know what happens whe you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. hee hee.
I did my best to proove my dad wrong, but once he has an idea in his head ther is no assailing it! he had the gal to tell me to "know thyself" #_# I dont' want to go into all the details, but he gave me an ultimatum: move out or go to an AS specialist. Well, I didn't feel I had AS and if I was forced ot go to an AS specialist, wouldn't he assume I HAD AS and I'd be trapped into that. I chose to move out, my dad not knowing I'd been looking for apartments anyway. It shocked him, tho he is not one to show behind his mask.
I am trying to move forward and forgive them, but it doesn't help when they send you articles about AS after you have moved out and think you have insulated yourself and won't be happy unless I am with them again. If someone has a negative influence on you and is making you see yourself in the wrong light, shouldn't you back away from their influence? I don't agree I have AS, and it is my life, how does it help to just continue to think I have it when evidence doesn't support your theory? Because my dad doesn't let evidence ruin a good theory.
That really hurt me, and I am doing my best to recover. They were psychologicly bad for me, when I was trying to be myself, they made me seem since i wasn't THEIR version of me I was somehow mentally damaged Y_Y
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