I'm really not familiar with this series (but it sounds awesome!), so I apologize if this vote is really off or something. O_O; Still, none of the characters seem to be great fits: I see some with similar traits but then they seem to have opposing traits too, which makes this difficult. I think I might be leaning more towards Kurisu Makise than anyone else, but...I also feel like that could be kind of off too. She just seems to be the best all-around fit from what I've been able to gather: I think Kurisu might come across as selfish at times, but she seems to genuinely care about others (particularly those she's close to!). She's apparently described as a tsundere too, but I don't get the impression she's violent like many of the characters that would fall into that category are usually presented as either (she seems to be more of the "cold shoulder" type of tsundere). "I always speak in a very peaceful manner and even my ever-constant irritation isn't very easy to spot"--> from what I can tell, that seems to fit Kurisu a lot! I think the overall combination of your Positive/Negative Traits could work for her as well from what I've been able to gather about her: internally strong, diligent, imaginative, intelligent, understanding, sympathetic, flexible, thoughtful, kindhearted, conscientious, honest, intolerant to what she views as stupidity, sensitive, anxious, initially guarded, spontaneous, impatient (to a point), feisty, prideful. The first impression you give others seems to work really well for Kurisu overall: "Strangers usually think I'm either very collected and almost anti-social or very shy and need to open up"...while I think how you're described by those who know you seems to fit for her character overall too. From what I can tell, she seems to be a good fit for your "Are you more..." section answers: Realistic idealist, cautious but impulsive when emotional, more calm, and hides feelings a lot but very open with close friends, more modest than confident. Kurisu doesn't seem to be the type to enjoy conflict either...and I get the impression she'd take a supportive role at first but switch from offensive/defensive just to avoid getting bored. XD
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