Theme #21 - Which anime movie would you star in?

Dec 25, 2011 23:04


This community is open again after a long period of inactivity. I apologize (as usual, heh) for not keeping this place active. My health hasn't really been its best, and although getting better was my first and top priority, I still feel like I should've dropped by every once in a while, by posting/voting/stamping just like I did a few years ago. (Holy crap, I can't believe this community was created over THREE years ago. Time flies~)

Despite this comm's inactivity, I still hope that some people are still interested in this comm and/or anime so it'll get alive again. :]

I must also apologize in advance if the stamps I'm currently working on look rustier than usual. I don't have PS anymore, and this new software is so foreign to me.

Also, kisame_kun ---> phaeron.

Anyway, I'm just rambling... Let's start with a new theme, yes?!

Theme #21 - Which anime movie would you star in?

Pretty much all anime movies can be voted for in this theme, whether it's classic or recent, except movies based on an original series (think Naruto and Dragon Ball). In other words, please don't vote for a movie that would make more sense being voted for in our Anime series theme.

1. Vote on four unstamped applications, before posting your own.
2. Make sure to explain your votes. Nobody wants to end up confused, and think of you as a sheep-voter, after seeing your one-word comment.
3. Negative words are NOT tolerated in this community. We don't care if you're being honest, by saying that the applicator resembles a character because they're "plain and nerdish".
4. Please wait a day or two, if you see 7 applications posted on the very same day. That way, the comm (and all of your f-lists) won't be swamped!
5. When you've posted your application, don't disappear! People are always in need of votes, and your vote can make a big difference. ;)
6. We will stamp you after receiving 5 votes for the same movie, or after one week.


Please link to four unstamped applications that you've voted on recently:


Name and Age:
Is there one movie that you, under no condition, wouldn't like to get votes for?:


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