round 01: challenge 01 reminder

May 22, 2009 15:12

This is your second reminder for Round 01: Challenge 01! There are currently 25 entries out of 49 entries. There will NOT BE AN EXTENTION and SKIPS ARE NOT ALLOWED for the first challenge. You will be eliminated if you fail to submit an icon.

These participants still need to submit:
electrimafried, espana, openlyhidden, oulan, snm_queen, senbonzakura77, akamikun, faintscribbles, monochroma, royalbk, juls_times_2, by_dirigible, mknsen08, kaneha, dosomethingsexy, moon_stone787, pirullisen, suwaner, coloredpastels, rawrrdoll, wonkiebonky, crescent_fall, watermist, sandy_rain

Icons are due tomorrow, May 23rd at 3PM EST.

We're still looking for part/full time banner makers over here.

Sign-ups are closed as Friday has already passed for simpleflower's time zone. An extra skip can not be gained either.

challenge 01, *reminder, &round one

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