Writing Challenge Day 1

Jan 03, 2016 01:58

I haven't posted here since before Thanksgiving. Jeez oh man. My bad. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!, Merry Christmas!, and Happy New Year!

Because I want to be more active on LJ, I'm doing this 30 Day Writing Challenge that I snagged off one of my Facebook writing groups. Now it remains to be seen if I actually do it every day...

Day 1: Five problems with social media

1. Internet "stars." I suppose I'll one day warm up to the idea of giving a shit about what other people do on YouTube or Instagram or wherever. But for now, my answer will always continue to be "Who???" when people ask me if I've seen so-and-so's latest video or post or picture. *shrugs* (This is not a "problem," really, just something I don't care about.)

2. Sharing too much. I get it. Your FB or Twitter or whatever is yours, and you're free to post whatever you want. But do you really think everyone needs to know what color your poop was today? Just saying. We really don't.

3. Not sharing enough. It's to the point now that if I see someone Vaguebooking, I just keep scrolling. I don't have the time or patience to try and figure out what the hell someone is talking about because they're being purposely cryptic.

4. Trolling. Trolls were out in full force--pun intended--when The Force Awakens came out. Spoiler comments were everywhere, even in places that had nothing to do with Star Wars. Someone had even created a Facebook account with a major spoiler as their FB name. I just don't understand what someone gets out of being an active douchebag online. I usually ignore them, unless I feel like expressing my sympathy to them for their tragic lack of genitalia. But I don't get upset because that's exactly what they want (and I understand that the fact that I'm online in the first place leaves me open to surprise spoilers). What small, sad, pathetic little people they must be to derive pleasure from doing stuff like that.

5. Finding out that some people in your life are dicks. We're all human (as far as I know). As such, everyone has their own opinions about a thing. Sometimes those opinions are different than our own. Usually, it's not a big deal; the world would be boring as hell if we all thought the same way. But sometimes those opinions are such that you realize you may need to reconsider an association. I was pretty disappointed to find out that some people I know were "disgusted" by the idea of same-sex marriage and/or thought that waving confederate flags around was perfectly okay because heritage blah blah blah. (The KKK thinks that too, btw.) Fortunately, this never affected my closest relationships because 99% of the people in my life are awesome, but it still sucks when someone you like and respect starts publicly ranting about "the gays" (because bisexuals tend to get erased even in negative references) or how Obama has ruined the country or how Bill Cosby is really a swell guy. D:

writing challenge

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