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While The Shining was not very good as a Stephen King adaptation, I thought that it was really good as a Hollywood movie. Jack Nicholson, who I tend to find generally creepy anyway, did a great job playing a man driven to madness. I think it's unfortunate that the movie changed or flat out omitted a lot of things that made The Shining one of my favorite King books, namely the depiction of Jack's slow and actually quite sad descent into insanity as well as turning Danny into a total weirdo when he was astonishingly brilliant for his age. (ETA: And the ending. So much, the ending.) But when I approach this movie without thinking of those things, I find that I enjoy it a lot.
(I just finished Doctor Sleep, which features Danny all grown up. Fucking excellent book and another example of why I so desperately want to be Stephen King when I grow up.)
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I've been trying to figure out what to say about this song and how to explain why I love it so much. Then I saw someone describe it as ear candy in the YouTube comments. I think that about pretty much covers it. It's catchy and feel good and one of my favorite songs from the 90s.