Distant Worlds
A Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Role Playing Forum.
A 16+ mature board, that accepts Yaoi, Yuri and Het. We offer the chance to be any Final Fantasy character from 1-12, or any Kingdom Hearts character as well. Made ups and characters from other video games are welcome!
Partial to only Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts? Not both? The sections for role playing are seperate, you can role play one and not the other very easily! Whatever makes you more comfortable.
Alternate Universe, Cross overs, During the plotline of a specific game? You can do any of those as well. The limit of what you can play is only what you set for yourself.
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We are a small community that is just starting out. We are looking for any characters from Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, but run by us with something, we would love to have some new faces!
RulesFAQCharacter Availability The Board Itself:
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