Hey comm this is a voting reminder. We've reached the half-way mark of voting. I just want to say that WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH VOTES. I mean, really, 8? Eight people are going to decide the lims? Cool. Didn't know that was possible. :l
There's still about 22 hours or so to vote. If you haven't done so please vote. ;A; I know it's difficult you guys but could you please try? ;A; It's not fair to the finalists to decide the final winner on a low amount of votes. ;A; NOT FAIR I TELL YOU. ;A; So if you can could you take a second out of your day to help me out & vote
You make sad mod sad. ;A; Also if the gif is killing your f-list, tell me. I'll remove it.
EDIT @ 1:13 PM ON 05/27/11; I'm going to go shower, when I come back I'm posting the results & stuff. Everything's ready to go. :D