RESULTS ; RD. 02 - Challenge 11
That was quick. I think this is the very first time results have gone up way before they should. I'm very happy about this. Fortunately voting went wonderful & we got everything in order! I'm glad we were able to wrap up this week without any problems. Challenge 11 has gone by & I just want to say that w/e happens from now on, I'm proud of all of you. :D I am bummed though, I don't want to eliminate more people. We're in the top 8 now. It's dwindling down. That means there's 2 more challenges before the finals! Thanks for the help with voting everyone! Thanks for submitting too. :D Anyway without further ado here's Challenge 11's results.
Skipping: None.
Eliminated/Defaults: None.
Withdrawals: None.
orijinaru #05 (-14)
ce_lestic #08 (-08)
Thank you both for participating and sticking around for this long. You should pat yourselves in the back bc 11 challenges is a long time. I'm bummed again, we need to do something different. I'm going to miss you both bc you both gave me amazing icons. You were both awesome & amazing and I hope you can come back next round. :3People's Choice
People's Choice
nna_chan #04 (+11)
Runner Up PC
ryfee #01 (+09)
Congrats! lol snowmen userheads
Mod's Choice.
pikatic #02
I adore this icon quite a lot. I love the texture usage, the coloring & just the overall look. The black overlay thing is the only thing that bothers me tho. ;A; Still though, fabulous icon.
Doing It Right:
#01 -01 (+10) !~
#02 -06 (+05) ~
#03 -02 (+07) !~
#04 -00 (+11) !~
#05 -14 (+00) ~
#06 -03 (+07) ~
#07 -06 (+02) !~
#08 -10 (+02) ~
#09 -02 (+07) !~
#10 -01 (+09) !~
~ = comment left
! = extra comment / additional
* = n/a
VOTING TABLE FOR REFERENCE Comment to this UNSCREENED post for your comments. State whether or not you'd like them SCREENED or UNSCREENED. If you'd like them screened, make sure you can receive e-mail notifications. If you'd like some other type of way of receiving them, say so.
By the by the "Hall of Awesome" has been updated. Also challenge 12 will be up soon. I need to fix some things.