Jul 15, 2004 14:14

6 letters

Animal Protection Institute Bulletin

*DISCLAIMER: The information in these letters is verified with the original source. I cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information or for the consequences of its use.

*Kinship Circle cannot guarantee the validity of email addresses. During a campaign, recipients may change or disable their email addresses.

NOTE: If you send comments via the online options included with street addresses below--your letters will NOT reach company executives, as requested in the API alert. They will go to a customer service rep instead.

=========SAMPLE LETTER #1: JC PENNEY=========

JC Penney Company
Mr. Allen Questrom, CEO
P.O. Box 10001
Dallas, TX 75301-0001
ph: 972-431-1000
online comments:

Dear Mr. Questrom,

JC Penney Company is a reputable source for innovative merchandise and dependable customer service. While I would like to frequent your stores, I am among the many consumers who boycott companies that promote the fur industry.

Polls indicate that a solid majority of Americans shun the violent fur trade and prefer to shop at fur-free stores. Please adopt a fur-free policy that also excludes the sale of fur-trim items.

Whether it's a collar or a coat, fur represents the annual slaughter of 40 million animals. Fur trim is not an innocuous "byproduct" as the industry claims. It is the hair and skin of a dead animal. In fact, over 80% of foxes are currently raised to produce fur trim.

Fur bearing animals do not even receive the minimal protections established for farmed animals under the Humane Slaughter Act. Processors are free to harvest pelts as cheaply as possible. Most animals are electrocuted through their genitals. A metal conductor is lodged in the animal's throat and an electric prod is pushed inside the rectum in order to transmit a 240-volt electrical shock. The alert animal convulses for two or more minutes before he succumbs to the force of a massive heart attack.

Sometimes the killer yanks the animal's vertebra out of the socket (neck popping) for a death that can last up to five minutes. Other animals are injected with pesticides or asphyxiated with carbon monoxide from unfiltered engine exhaust. Those mutilated in steel-jaw leghold traps are fatally shot, clubbed, stomped or drowned after languishing in the traps for days.

The wild animals warehoused on fur farms would normally travel miles each day, raise their young, burrow, dig and express other traits. To make a "fashion statement," they are confined in dingy waste-saturated cages. Many perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation.

Please make the ethically responsible decision to go 100% faux. I strongly encourage JC Penney Company to ban the sale of fur and fur-trimmed

Thank you,

=========SAMPLE LETTER #2: NINE WEST=========

Nine West
Rhonda Brown, CEO
Nine West Group
1129 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604
ph: 914-640-6400
online "Ask A Question:" d=x MnbDKZg&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9NjkmcF9wYWdlP TE* &p_li=

Dear Ms. Brown,

Nine West is a reputable source for innovative merchandise and dependable customer service. While I would like to frequent your stores, I am among the many consumers who boycott companies that promote the fur industry.

Polls indicate that a solid majority of Americans shun the violent fur trade and prefer to shop at fur-free stores. Please adopt a fur-free policy that also excludes the sale of fur-trim items.

Whether it's a collar or a coat, fur represents the annual slaughter of 40 million animals. Fur trim is not an innocuous "byproduct" as the industry claims. It is the hair and skin of a dead animal. In fact, over 80% of foxes are currently raised to produce fur trim.

Fur bearing animals do not even receive the minimal protections established for farmed animals under the Humane Slaughter Act. Processors are free to harvest pelts as cheaply as possible. Most animals are electrocuted through their genitals. A metal conductor is lodged in the animal's throat and an electric prod is pushed inside the rectum in order to transmit a 240-volt electrical shock. The alert animal convulses for two or more minutes before he succumbs to the force of a massive heart attack.

Sometimes the killer yanks the animal's vertebra out of the socket (neck popping) for a death that can last up to five minutes. Other animals are injected with pesticides or asphyxiated with carbon monoxide from unfiltered engine exhaust. Those mutilated in steel-jaw leghold traps are fatally shot, clubbed, stomped or drowned after languishing in the traps for days.

The wild animals warehoused on fur farms would normally travel miles each day, raise their young, burrow, dig and express other traits. To make a "fashion statement," they are confined in dingy waste-saturated cages. Many perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation.

Please make the ethically responsible decision to go 100% faux. I strongly encourage Nine West to ban the sale of fur and fur-trimmed garments.

Thank you,

=========SAMPLE LETTER #3: BEBE=========

Manny Mashouf, President
380 Valley Drive
Brisbane, CA 94005
ph: 415-715-3900, 1-877-232-3777
Dear Mr. Mashouf,

Bebe is a reputable source for innovative merchandise and dependable customer service. While I would like to frequent your stores, I am among the many consumers who boycott companies that promote the fur industry.

Polls indicate that a solid majority of Americans shun the violent fur trade and prefer to shop at fur-free stores. Please adopt a fur-free policy that also excludes the sale of fur-trim items.

Whether it's a collar or a coat, fur represents the annual slaughter of 40 million animals. Fur trim is not an innocuous "byproduct" as the industry claims. It is the hair and skin of a dead animal. In fact, over 80% of foxes are currently raised to produce fur trim.

Fur bearing animals do not even receive the minimal protections established for farmed animals under the Humane Slaughter Act. Processors are free to harvest pelts as cheaply as possible. Most animals are electrocuted through their genitals. A metal conductor is lodged in the animal's throat and an electric prod is pushed inside the rectum in order to transmit a 240-volt electrical shock. The alert animal convulses for two or more minutes before he succumbs to the force of a massive heart attack.

Sometimes the killer yanks the animal's vertebra out of the socket (neck popping) for a death that can last up to five minutes. Other animals are injected with pesticides or asphyxiated with carbon monoxide from unfiltered engine exhaust. Those mutilated in steel-jaw leghold traps are fatally shot, clubbed, stomped or drowned after languishing in the traps for days.

The wild animals warehoused on fur farms would normally travel miles each day, raise their young, burrow, dig and express other traits. To make a "fashion statement," they are confined in dingy waste-saturated cages. Many perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation.

Please make the ethically responsible decision to go 100% faux. I strongly encourage Bebe to ban the sale of fur and fur-trimmed garments.

Thank you,

=========SAMPLE LETTER #4: NORDSTROM=========

Blake Nordstrom, President
1501 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101-1603
ph: 206-628-2111, 1-888-282-6060
online comments:

Dear Mr. Nordstrom,

Nordstrom is a reputable source for innovative merchandise and dependable customer service. While I would like to frequent your stores, I am among the many consumers who boycott companies that promote the fur industry.

Polls indicate that a solid majority of Americans shun the violent fur trade and prefer to shop at fur-free stores. Please adopt a fur-free policy that also excludes the sale of fur-trim items.

Whether it's a collar or a coat, fur represents the annual slaughter of 40 million animals. Fur trim is not an innocuous "byproduct" as the industry claims. It is the hair and skin of a dead animal. In fact, over 80% of foxes are currently raised to produce fur trim.

Fur bearing animals do not even receive the minimal protections established for farmed animals under the Humane Slaughter Act. Processors are free to harvest pelts as cheaply as possible. Most animals are electrocuted through their genitals. A metal conductor is lodged in the animal's throat and an electric prod is pushed inside the rectum in order to transmit a 240-volt electrical shock. The alert animal convulses for two or more minutes before he succumbs to the force of a massive heart attack.

Sometimes the killer yanks the animal's vertebra out of the socket (neck popping) for a death that can last up to five minutes. Other animals are injected with pesticides or asphyxiated with carbon monoxide from unfiltered engine exhaust. Those mutilated in steel-jaw leghold traps are fatally shot, clubbed, stomped or drowned after languishing in the traps for days.

The wild animals warehoused on fur farms would normally travel miles each day, raise their young, burrow, dig and express other traits. To make a "fashion statement," they are confined in dingy waste-saturated cages. Many perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation.

Please make the ethically responsible decision to go 100% faux. I strongly encourage Nordstrom to ban the sale of fur and fur-trimmed garments.

Thank you,

=========SAMPLE LETTER #5: CHADWICK'S=========

Chadwick's of Boston, Corporate Office
35 United Drive
West Bridgewater, MA 02379
ph: 1-800-677-0340; fax: 508-588-7994
online comments: tru e&postback=true

Customer Service Department:

Chadwick's of Boston is a reputable source for innovative merchandise and dependable customer service. While I would like to frequent your stores, I am among the many consumers who boycott companies that promote the fur industry.

Polls indicate that a solid majority of Americans shun the violent fur trade and prefer to shop at fur-free stores. Please adopt a fur-free policy that also excludes the sale of fur-trim items.

Whether it's a collar or a coat, fur represents the annual slaughter of 40 million animals. Fur trim is not an innocuous "byproduct" as the industry claims. It is the hair and skin of a dead animal. In fact, over 80% of foxes are currently raised to produce fur trim.

Fur bearing animals do not even receive the minimal protections established for farmed animals under the Humane Slaughter Act. Processors are free to harvest pelts as cheaply as possible. Most animals are electrocuted through their genitals. A metal conductor is lodged in the animal's throat and an electric prod is pushed inside the rectum in order to transmit a 240-volt electrical shock. The alert animal convulses for two or more minutes before he succumbs to the force of a massive heart attack.

Sometimes the killer yanks the animal's vertebra out of the socket (neck popping) for a death that can last up to five minutes. Other animals are injected with pesticides or asphyxiated with carbon monoxide from unfiltered engine exhaust. Those mutilated in steel-jaw leghold traps are fatally shot, clubbed, stomped or drowned after languishing in the traps for days.

The wild animals warehoused on fur farms would normally travel miles each day, raise their young, burrow, dig and express other traits. To make a "fashion statement," they are confined in dingy waste-saturated cages. Many perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation.

Please make the ethically responsible decision to go 100% faux. I strongly encourage Chadwick's to ban the sale of fur and fur-trimmed garments.

Thank you,

=========SAMPLE LETTER #6: LORD AND TAYLOR=========

Lord and Taylor, Jane Elfers, CEO
424 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Exec. Offices: 212-391-3344, x7789
Julio Rios, Coat Dept. Manager: 212-827-6057

The May Company
Gene Kahn, CEO
611 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63101.
Executive Offices: 314-342-6300
customer service email: a href="mailto:r">email text
Dear Ms. Elfers and Mr. Kahn,

Over the years I have found May Company stores to be a reputable source for innovative merchandise and superior customer service. For these reasons, I have taken the time to express my disappointment about plans to open a fur salon at Lord and Taylor's flagship store in New York. This will likely establish a disturbing trend among other Lord and Taylor stores, as well as May Company's subsidiaries--Hecht's, Filene's, and Robinsons.

While my family would like to patronize these quality stores, we will not purchase goods from companies that invest in the violent fur trade. I strongly encourage Lord and Taylor and all May Company stores to remain ethically responsible. Please do not market animal cruelty.

Fur items come from wild animals killed with genital electrocution devices, crude gas chambers or pesticide injection. Others, mutilated in steel-jaw leghold traps, are fatally clubbed, stomped, or drowned after languishing in the traps for days. With no federal laws to moderate the annual slaughter of 40 million furbearing animals, processors harvest pelts as cheaply as possible. Sometimes the killer simply yanks the animal's vertebra out of the socket.

To ensure undamaged pelts, most animals are electrocuted through their genitals. "There is a probe that goes into their rectum and another probe inside their mouth," says Matt Rossell, a cruelty investigator at a typicalfox fur farm in Illinois. "When they bite down, [the killer] pushes on thejuice. Often, the animals' teeth fall out. They go into convulsions and areleft writhing in pain. Then it has to be done again and again until the foxfinally has a heart attack."

Animals raised on fur farms are confined in dingy waste-saturated cages. Some perish from dehydration, starvation or self-mutilation. An animal in the wild naturally roams for miles. An animal on a fur farm has just a few square feet to move.

As a leader in the industry, Lord and Taylor ought to set the trend for conscientious fashion. I look forward to your feedback on this serious matter.

Thank you,

[personalize these as you please]

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