5 shinee/exo drabbles

Sep 28, 2013 22:25

untitled; jongyu

Breaking the peaceful quiet of the dorm, a loud smack! and a muffled cry reached Key’s ears in the living room and he tossed down his book to storm off to the bedroom. When he swung open the door he instantly rolled his eyes and tossed his head back, bringing a hand to his face to avert his gaze from the boy on the bed in front of him.

“Kim fucking Jonghyun, what the fuck are you doing? Must I remind you that you are not home alone?” By now Jonghyun had removed the balled up boxers from his mouth, but he still had three fingers in his own ass.

“I miss him so much,” Jonghyun whined, rubbing his red ass cheek with his free hand.

“I will be so glad when Jinki finishes this musical…” Key groaned, closing the door behind him as he skulked back to the living room.

untitled; jongkey

Dressed in swimming trunks with a towel draped around his neck, Key toed at the steam of the hot spring. He sunk his left foot in the water, wincing slightly at the heat. He pulled his foot out and dipped his other in, repeating the action. When he’d adjusted to the temperature he stepped fully into the pool, wading over to the opposite side where Jonghyun was already submerged up to his nipples, eyes closed and head lolling back. He opened one eye to peer at Key as he cautiously took a seat next to him.

“You’ll get used to it. It’s really nice after a while, I promise,” Jonghyun offered as he closed his eye again.

Key hummed in agreement, letting his own eyes fall shut. He let a few moments pass in silence before turning to Jonghyun and asking, “So what about this ‘man talk’ you wanted to have?”

Jonghyun’s eyes lazily squinted open and he turned his head to toss a smirk at Key. Under the water, he ran a hand up key’s thigh, pushing up a leg of his swimsuit.

“You had no intentions of talking, did you?” Key asked, chuckling.

“Nope,” Jonghyun confirmed as he squeezed Key’s thigh a little hard, and leaned in to catch his lips in a lazy, albeit forceful kiss.

untitled; taekai

Kai’s face fell onto Taemin’s shoulder in a fit of giggles. “I swear, hyung, you have a hidden talent to make the ugliest faces,” he managed between snickers.

Taemin studied the photo on his iPhone. He scrolled through a few the two had just taken: silly faces, aegyo poses. He frowned a bit. “But I bet I can make the hottest faces, too.”

Kai lifted his forehead from Taemin’s shoulder and looked at him. “Oh you’re on!”

Taemin grinned as he went back to the camera screen, this time flipping his phone around to the back camera instead of the front. He lifted it in the air above their heads.

“No, turn it around, I want to see,” Kai said.

“Has to be fair. Ready?”

Taemin held the button down and waited for the beep to tell him the picture was in focus. He raised an eyebrow and bit down on his bottom lip seductively and stared right into the lens. They waited for the click and then let their poses fall. Taemin quickly drew back his arm and flipped to the picture they just took.

Kai had chosen a little less seductive expression, instead raising both eyebrows and pouting.

“Well?” Taemin asked with a smirk.

“Wow, hyung. Can you make that face again?”

Taemin snickered and then stared right into Kai’s eyes, matching his photo expression perfectly. Something in Kai snapped and he lurched forward, crashing his lips into Taemin’s. Their eyes didn’t unlock, remained wide open as Kai suddenly pulled back.

Taemin laughed, unphased, and asked, “What was that for?”

“You’re just the best at everything sometimes.”

48 hours; jongtae
prompt: Imagine your OTP are flies. They have about 48 hours to live, and all they can think about is sex.

Jonghyun rolled over onto his side to look at Taemin on the bed next to him. Taemin was reading some manga intently.

"Are you really into that?" Jonghyun asked.

Taemin put his finger on the page to mark his place before turning and answering. "Kind of. Why?"

"Because I'm just realizing we leave for Japan in two days, and..." he trailed off, running a finger over the bed spread and feigning shyness.

"And?" Taemin asked, slightly irritably.

"And we're spending our last 48 hours of free time not having sex."

"I see," said Taemin, sounding distant, but he was already folding the corner of the page of his book. Jonghyun grinned and pounced on Taemin, causing the book to go flying to the other side of the room. Jonghyun buried his face into Taemin's neck and nipped lightly, eliciting a squeal from the younger.

"Keep it down," Jonghyun warned playfully. "We're alone but we're not alone," he said, nodding his head at their closed door.

Taemin nodded, biting his lip to hide a smirk as he snaked his hands down Jonghyun's naked back. When he reached Jongyun's lower back, he slithered his hands down his sweatpants, over his boxers. He gave a light squeeze to Jonghyun's ass, barely any fabric between him and Taemin's hands. Jonghyun grinned against Taemin's skin and pushed himself up to hover over his mouth. Taemin pushed down with his hands and lifted up his hips, giggling at the way Jonghyun's eyes fell shut and his eyebrows furrowed as his grin fell into a grimace. Taemin took Jonghyun's moment of weakness as his opportunity to roll the two over, leaving Taemin straddling Jonghyun's hips as he sat up straight. He crossed his arms to remove his shirt and took in every ounce of Jonghyun's delight. No matter how many times they had done this, Jonghyun was always amazed at how beautiful Taemin looked shirtless.

"C'mere," Jonghyun growled as he placed his hands around Taemin's waist and tugged the younger boy down for a heated kiss. Taemin teased for a moment, biting and sucking on Jonghyun's bottom lip before slipping his tongue into his mouth. Jonghyun instinctively sucked Taemin further in, squeezing his waist and pressing their bare chests together. Taemin gave a playful grind to their hips, causing Jonghyun's mouth to fall slack and allowing Taemin to catch his breath before climbing off momentarily to strip his pants and underwear. Jonghyun quickly followed suit, wriggling out of his own sweatpants, revealing his hard on poking through the hole in his boxer shorts.

Taemin grinned and crawled back on top of Jonghyun, stopping when he neared his hips. Taemin leaned down and hovered over Jonghyun's groin and peering up at him.

"Eungh, Taem, don't tease," Jonghyun hissed.

Taemin smirked and let his tongue hang so close over Jonghyun's already leaking cock. Tongue still out, he asked, "Like thith?"

Jonghyun brought a fist to Taemin's hair; he didn't grab or push, just held it there as an encouragement. Taemin sniggered and bared his teeth as he made his way to Jonghyun's waistband. He dragged the boxers down past Jonghyun's balls with practiced skill and then removed them further with his hands. Jonghyun's cock bobbed in attention and Taemin wasted no more time.

He wriggled up Jonghyun's legs so he was straddling his waist. He leaned forward and could barely reach the nightstand drawer that contained their lube. He managed to grab it without falling off the bed (barely) and handed the small bottle to Jonghyun.

"Making me do the work, hm?" Jonghyun smirked up at Taemin.

"Feels better when you do it," Taemin whispered, breathing heavily into Jonghyun's ear.

Jonghyun snapped open the bottle cap and poured just enough into his palm to slick up two fingers. Taemin never liked too much lube; it felt messy. He reached around Taemin with his dry hand and rubbed his ass cheek affectionately before pulling it aside and pressing his wet fingers to Taemin's hole. He pushed in with his middle finger and Taemin dropped his head, sighing heavily on Jonghyun's shoulder.

"More," Taemin managed to get out quietly. Jonghyun smirked and pressed his index finger in with his middle, scissoring and stretching Taemin. He curled his fingers inside and hooked them, just barely reaching Taemin's prostate but hitting enough for the younger boy to let out an almost choked sob. "Please~"

Jonghyun pulled his fingers out achingly slowly and dragged them up Taemin's crack before filling his palm with more lube. He fisted his own cock until he was prepared enough. As he lined himself up with Taemin's entrance, he turned his head to catch the boy in a chaste kiss before thrusting up suddenly. Taemin whimpered into his mouth at the sudden fullness he felt. Jonghyun gave another couple of experimental thrusts until Taemin was grinding down on him on his own.

One of Jonghyun's hands fell to Taemin's waist, the other grasping his hip. Eyes squeezed shut, Taemin pushed himself up, his hands resting on Jonghyun's chest. His fingers curled as he began to work up a steady grind, taking control of the rhythm. Staring up at the younger, Jonghyun slid his hands down and around, each grasping an ass cheek and lightly squeezing. He gave a playful, soft smack to one and Taemin opened his eyes quickly to stare back. He wouldn't move anything else on his own; Taemin liked to lead.

"Fuck, Minnie, you look so hot up there."

Taemin was quite obviously struggling to keep his noises from penetrating the air. He knew their bodies well and it didn't take him long to find that angle. Deciding to attempt to keep Taemin's mouth busy elsewhere, Jonghyun pulled him down by the neck and gave him a hard, closed-mouthed kiss. Taemin snuffed as means of expressing gratitude and Jonghyun smirked in the kiss. Jonghyun didn't usually last very long, and he could feel himself quickly approaching climax.

He broke the kiss with a, "Taem, I'm," but his breath hitched as Taemin's speed only increased. Reacting quickly, he snuck a hand between their stomachs to hastily jerk Taemin off.

As Taemin hit his own spot repeatedly, and with Jonghyun's hand expertly encircling his cock, he soon spilled all over their stomachs and nearly cried out into Jonghyun's ear. That broken noise alone was enough to send Jonghyun over the edge, and he found his release seconds later, coming hard inside Taemin.

Taemin waited a moment before peeling himself off of Jonghyun and rolling over to lie back on the bed. He grabbed a pair of underwear from the floor and wiped his own stomach before flipping them over and leaning to wipe off Jonghyun's. He tossed them to the corner of the room with the rest of his dirty clothes and silently hoped Key wasn't feeling nice enough to do their laundry for them today.

As Taemin lay back down, Jonghyun propped himself up on his side.

"How many more times do you think we can do that before the flight on Friday?" he asked, only half jokingly.

That was the thing about Jonghyun. He didn't last very long, but he could go again and again and again.

hyung whore; mintao
because this

Minho was feeling a little more than displeased. Of all days to be surrounded by his favorite hyungs, none of them were paying him any attention. He had every excuse in the book for skinship: stretching, congratulatory handshakes, reunion hugs. But no one was really giving him the attention he so craved.

Suddenly he got nervous. Was he just getting too old? Was Taemin the only real dongsaeng left in the band? The little shit would probably forever remain hyungs’ favorite; he wouldn’t lose his youthfulness as early as Minho had. None of them were SM’s babies anymore anyway.

He glanced over at the small mob of turquoise jumpsuits. The new dongsaengs. Maybe if he treated them the way he wished to be treated, he’d feel a little more satisfied. Or better yet, he might catch the attention - and, hopefully, jealousy - of his own hyungs.

He approached the boy on the outermost ring of the circle of idols. The youngest. The new maknae. Good. Resting his hand on Tao’s lower back, he leaned in almost predatorily.

"Annyeong, dongsaeng-ah," he whispered confidently. He raised his arm to pull in the boy for a closer embrace. He couldn’t remember how much Korean the kid knew, but hopefully enough that he could successfully convey his message.

"A-annyeong, hyung," Tao responded hesitantly.

Squeezing a little tighter, Minho put on his charismatic grin and asked calmly, “Would you be so kind as to do me a wonderful favor?”

"Of course, hyung," the boy replied.

"Come over here with me," Minho said, guiding the boy slightly away from the group. He sat down on the ground and lay back, lifting a leg up in the air. "Could you," he winked, "stretch me?"

f:shinee, p:jongkey, !fic, p:mintao, p:taekai, f:exo, r:pg, p:jongtae, r:nc17, p:jongyu, r:pg13

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