
Jan 20, 2006 22:37

okay, soo im at the tournament now but my mom brought her laptop and theres wireless internet here so thats kewl

my mom didnt wake me up till 6:30 this morning so she said she'd drive me to school, got Jenn and then we got bagels

Science- new seats, i always get the dumb groups, i dont really care, theres no way we'd win if i answered all the questions anyway so i'll prolly just not answer a lot of questions for stickers becuz my group was all like "she'll win it for us" HA not. lol, and im kinda close to bry but not that close, so thats good and bad i guess, went to computer lab and graphed post/pre test..creature feature, it was okay i guess, got to sit by bry but i was being dumb, then i wasnt being dumb...and just yeah...i dont like myself so moody/weird..

LA-went to the library, dont remember how but i started being crappy again cept like way worse, didnt talk to himor be around himj for a while, ended up with a hole in the pocket of my green day hoodie which makes me sad cuz i love that hoodie...had to pick out a non fiction book..which sucks cuz non fiction books arnt really that great, ended up getting one though..ended up talking to bry after cuz like..i always do the "i hate bry" mood and then i get real sad and feel bad and dont like myself...dunno why i do it then...but i cant help it, i just do, and i hate it..

then i was kinda sad cuz me and bry had to go to diff. classes so that was like the last time i'll see him to like..monday..

went to math for a little, got my HW but i dunno if im gonna do it cuzzz i dont really have my folder and i dont know if i'll understand it since i wasnt there to learn, then i was like...uhoh cuz i didnt bring my HW or anything for math cuz i didnt expect to be there..but luckly i got to leave before they turned in the HW

umm yeah, went to BK

read my LA book pretty much the whole way there, listened to good music, bry called me from lunch but only talked for a little cuz yeah..he was at

Got to our hotel at like 1, couldnt check in till 2 but we had to be at the rink by 2, so we just drove a round for a little

went to the rink, it was freezing and they have no heaters =(...but talked to bry for like 3 minutes before he had to leave..said he'd call me when he got home but he didnt know what was going on so he didnt know when he'd get i was like okayy

Then we went and everyone ate pizza

then we went to Central Michigan University and went to this Rock climbing wall thing (they had lots) and one of those highropes obsticle courses..

you had to climb this wiggly pole that had like...those rock wall climby thigns on it to get up and the only way to get down was a zip thing, and then there was lotsa obsticles...i climbed up there and it was SO scary getting from the pole to the platform..gosh it was horrible i was like...dying so i just got down and the zip thing was kinda kewl but i was scared to do it cuz you have to just walk off the platform..ugh..horrible

then i climbed up the rock wall all the way to the top the first try, i was so amazed

found out i had 2 missed calls from Bry and a voicemail, he said he was at scotts and might spend the night there but maybe i was like UGH cuz i HATE talking to him when hes with his friends...cuz just sucks and yeah..sucky...but it went straight to voicemail so iw as just like yeah i wanna talk to you but not really if your at scotts so to you whenever...

then we left there at like 9:30..oh and one guy on the team did the rock climbing thing where theres like a big ledge you have to get was amazing, a few others tried a few times but couldnt do it..

went to Taco Bell cuz i was hungry and stuff, bry called...he was still at scotts...and at least Damon and ::totally draws a blank on her name right now:: his gf were yeah, dunno just wasnt happy cuz it sucked, plus iw as trying to eat

then hes like i have to go watch movies with them or im like rawr whatever i told you not tocall if you were at scotts or at least at scotts and not able to talk cuz that just makes it worse..

then yeah, ::insert suckyness here:: he said he'd call me at 11 so iw as like sure you will..cuz ive heard that amillion times before and its always like way later...blah blah, but now he sounds really determined to prove that he will so he prolly/hopefully will...i wish he was like that all the time...

then we came home...and im updating this and its really long and i dont like typing on laptops and im pretty tired and its like 11 sooooooo i think im gonna go to bed...prolly be on sometime tomorrow, maybe babysitting tomorrow too dunno

and it like snowed SO much in like an hour tonight here, it was crazy


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