my mom sends me silly emails every day

Aug 24, 2005 11:21

Subject: Twenty Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level of Insanity

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point A
Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.

3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries
with That.

4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In".

5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone Has Gotten
Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch To Espresso.

6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Sexual Favors"

7. Finish all Your Sentences With "In Accordance With The Prophecy."

8 dont use any punctuation

9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.

11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."

12. Sing Along At The Opera.

13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme

14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds
All Day.

17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"

18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking Lot, Yelling
"Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"

19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To
Have To Let One Of You Go."

And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity.......

was stupid, so i deleted it. said something about emailing this to all your friends or forever parishing in the firey pits of hell. yeahright.

k bye <3

THE writer Henryk Broder recently issued a withering indictment: Europe,
your family name is appeasement. That phrase resonates because it is so
terribly true.

Appeasement cost millions of Jews and non-Jews their lives as allies
Britain and France negotiated and hesitated too long before they
realised that Adolf Hitler needed to be fought and defeated, because he
could not be bound by toothless agreements.

Later, appeasement legitimised and stabilised communism in the Soviet
Union, then in East Germany, then throughout the rest of Eastern Europe,
where for several decades inhuman, repressive and murderous governments
were glorified.

Appeasement similarly crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in
Bosnia and Kosovo. Indeed, even though we had absolute proof of
continuing mass murder there, we Europeans debated and debated, and then
debated still more. We were still debating when finally the Americans
had to come from halfway around the world, into Europe yet again, to do
our work for us.

Europe still hasn't learned. Rather than protecting democracy in the
Middle East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word
equidistance, often seems to countenance suicide bombings in Israel by
fundamentalist Palestinians.

Similarly, it generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore the
almost 500,000 victims of Saddam Hussein's torture and murder machinery
and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace movement, to
harangue George W. Bush as a warmonger.

This hypocrisy continues even as it is discovered that some of the
loudest critics of US action in Iraq made illicit billions -- indeed,
tens of billions -- of dollars in the corrupt UN oil-for-food program.

Today we are faced with a particularly grotesque form of appeasement.
How is Germany reacting to the escalating violence by Islamic
fundamentalists in The Netherlands, Britain and elsewhere in Europe? By
suggesting -- wait for it -- that the proper response to such barbarism
is to initiate a Muslim holiday in Germany.

I wish I were joking, but I am not. A substantial fraction of Germany's
Government -- and, if polls are to be believed, the German people --
actually believe that creating an official state Muslim holiday will
somehow spare us from the wrath of fanatical Islamists.

One cannot help but recall Britain's Neville Chamberlain on his return
from Munich, waving that laughable treaty signed by Hitler, and
declaring the advent of peace in our time.

What atrocity must occur before the European public and its political
leadership understands what is really happening in the world? There is a
sort of crusade under way; an especially perfidious campaign consisting
of systematic attacks by Islamists, focused on civilians, that is
directed against our free, open Western societies, and that is intent on
their utter destruction.

We find ourselves faced with a conflict that will most likely last
longer than any of the great military clashes of the last century, a
conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot be tamed by tolerance and
accommodation because that enemy is actually spurred on by such
gestures. Such responses have proven to be signs of weakness.

Only two recent US presidents have had the courage needed to shun
appeasement: Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The US's critics may
quibble over the details, but in our hearts we Europeans know the truth,
because we saw it first hand.

Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of Europe from almost 50 years
of terror and slavery. [** In which he was very staunchly supported and
encouraged by British Conservative PM Margaret Lady Thatcher --SteveD]
And Bush, acting out of moral conviction and supported only by the
social democrat Tony Blair, recognised the danger in today's Islamist
war against democracy.

In the meantime, Europe sits back in the multicultural corner with its
usual blithe self-confidence.

Instead of defending liberal values and acting as an attractive centre
of power on the same playing field as the true great powers, the US and
China, it does nothing. On the contrary, we Europeans present ourselves,
in contrast to the supposedly arrogant Americans, as world champions of
tolerance, which even Germany Interior Minister Otto Schily justifiably

Where does this self-satisfied reaction come from? Does it arise because
we are so moral? I fear that it stems from the fact that we Europeans
are so materialistic, so devoid of a moral compass.

For his policy of confronting Islamic terrorism head-on, Bush risks the
fall of the dollar, huge amounts of additional national debt, and a
massive and persistent burden on the US economy. But he does this
because, unlike most of Europe, he realises that what is at stake is
literally everything that really matters to free people.

While we criticise the capitalistic robber barons of the US because they
seem too sure of their priorities, we timidly defend our welfare states.
"Stay out of it. It could get expensive," we cry.

So, instead of acting to defend our civilisation, we prefer to discuss
reducing our 35-hour work week or improving our dental coverage, or
extending our four weeks of annual paid holiday. Or perhaps we listen to
television pastors preach about the need to reach out to terrorists, to
understand and forgive.

These days, Europe reminds me of an old woman who, with shaking hands,
frantically hides her last pieces of jewellery when she notices a robber
breaking into a neighbour's house. Appeasement? That is just the start
of it. Europe, thy name is Cowardice.

-- Mathias Doepfner is chief executive of German media group Axel

Jacqui Walters
Head, Weapons Engagement Systems Engineering Branch
NAWCWD China Lake

so there.
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