17th Random Encounter

Nov 26, 2011 13:31

[Somewhere amid the rubble, Red Mage has managed to find a mostly intact soapbox.  Don't even ask how.  And RM knows exactly what is to be done with soap boxes.  Anyone passing through what he has surmised to have been the center of town will see him standing on top of it ranting and raving like the madman he clearly is.]

Citizens of Mayfield!  We have been dealt the harshest of blows by our caretakers, the GMs of this hellish game setting!  This is an unacceptable abuse of power, and I for one refuse to stand for it!  Don't get me wrong - as I'm sure many of you know, I am willing to put up with quite a bit in the interest of a good storyline, character development, and potential XP gain - but this time, Mayfield's game masters have crossed the line!  We have all been de-equipped, de-leveled, and de-powered, for no discernible reason and through no real fault of our own!  And I say 'no more!'  This insult must not be allowed to stand!  We must all band together as one, as a harmonious group of concerned players, to take our grievances to the GMs themselves and force them to step down!

[At this point in the speech, Red Mage dramatically pumps his fist in the air, fully expecting wild applause and loud cheers of adulation.  Even if he doesn't receive any, he waits an appropriate length of time before continuing.]

And in the wake of our victory, we must give thought to rebuilding.  We may indeed throw off the yoke of our oppressors, but no campaign survives for long without a competent game master at the helm.  If it would not be too presumptuous of me to say, I am likely possessed of the most experience and practical knowledge of these things of anyone in town, and would clearly be the best fit for the position.  Of course, with a playerbase this size, it will be difficult to manage everything on my own, so if there are any among you who would like to come forth as assistant GMs to help me in mediating rules calls, I would certainly welcome you to the table.

[Pausing for a moment to look out among whoever's actually stuck around this long.  He dramatically tips his hat downward to shade his eyes - thankfully, Red Mage has gotten into the habit of sleeping in his clothes, so he's still had his usual outfit on for all of this.  After a moment, he lifts the hat's brim again to draw  his speech to its stirring conclusion.]

Now then, fellow PCs!  Let's get out there and show this town what we're made of!


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