Subject: Return

Dec 19, 2009 14:15

Dear goose-nipples it's been a while since I've been on here. I ought to catch people up, but I don't even remember where I've left off.

Well, first things first. Check this out:

image Click to view

Is it me or is this thing a touch... uh... suggestive? Just replace the green with... oh never mind.

Right, on to other less slimy things. My goal now in addition to finish writing everything that I've begun, is to acquire three computers; a Mac OSX, a WinXP PC and a Win98 PC.

The OSX will never see the light of internet. Ever. It will be my project compy. My music, stories and whatever else.

The XP compy will be for internet surfing, blogging (the multitude that I do that.) that sort of thing.

And the Win98 will be for gaming, online and otherwise. Damn near every game I care to play is compatible with '98, especially Dungeon Keeper 2! I'm having such bad withdrawals from this game and XP only runs it when it feels like, crashing intermittently whenever there's more than 5 creatures on the screen. If you've played it, you'd know that's nothing.

I'm not thinking that I'll get back into WoW again, despite having the occasional flashback even though I've been off it for longer than was on it in the first place.

I won't own anything with Vista or 7 on it. Any "new" systems I get will be Mac OS. Windows had one gold nugget among their systems. that was '98. Even XP falls short to me. Anyone that's going to sing the glories of Windows7 to me, go ahead I suppose. It's no secret that I resist change when the risk of disappointment is high. I never jumped on the Vista bandwagon for this reason and I believe it was the smart choice. If you think you can convince me 7 truly is something special, let me know, but expect to defend your claim.

And if anyone has any online games they'd suggest I should play, perhaps with you, drop me a line, but if it has a monthly fee to play, I doubt I can go through with it, with having no job and constant taxes on what money I have.

That's all for now. I hope to be on more in the coming days. James, out.
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