First (and quite possibly last) entry!

Apr 13, 2005 02:46

I've had this thing for a couple of weeks now, Lisa ended up making it for me since I'm so egotistical that I like to read what people write about me... >.>;;; For once I feel like I have to say so I'm saying it, that and I don't want to have to tell a shit ton of people about the concert stuff. Of course, nobody really knows this exists so I'm mostly doing this for myself.

We had a picnic/softball game at work yesterday since it was a going away for Capt M and SMSgt Pilgrim. During the softball game my main boss (Capt Squire) approached me and asked me if I had checked the Virtual MPF recently. I answered "No, not in a while. Why?" and he told me that he found out at a staff meeting that I had an assignment but they didn't know where, so I should check out the site. I told a couple of people I had an assignment and people had already heard rumors of where I was going. Main destination I kept hearing about was England, which would be cruelest joke ever played on me in my entire life. After helping clean up the picnic area I went back to the office to print out my leave paperwork and to check where my assignment was. I shall be spending the next 4 years in Colorado Springs. I really needed the change and I know a couple people there so it shouldn't be so bad.

Of course this means there will even more distance between Lisa and myself. I don't want the move to stay and linger in the back of our minds and affect our current relationship in a negative manner. We'll deal with the move when the time actually approaches.

I went to see Mono live last night at the Warehouse Next Door. They were supposed to start letting people in at 8:30pm so I took the metro and got there at 8pm. The venue is called the Warehouse Next Door so I was expecting something that was a decent size, but it turned out being this tiny little place (150 people can safely fit in there). Due to one of the bands taking a shit long of time to setup, the doors didn't actually open up till 9:30. I spent that hour and a half talking to a couple of guys about the military, indie bands, Sofia Coppola's horrible acting in The Godfather III, the legalization of marijuana, and the state of health care in the US, Canadia and Europe. What can I say, we were bored.

Once I got inside I bought Under the Pipal Tree and Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky. Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined by Mono. I'm pissed I only had like 6 bucks remaining, I couldn't buy the You Die tee that I wanted. T_T I positioned myself up front, I think I'm still somewhat deaf in my left ear.

The first band playing were The Plums, I'm fairly sure they're local. They're something Waffo probably would have dug, they even had a mac with them on stage. I enjoyed the first couple of songs in their set but the last 3 or so were just bad. I still ended up getting their CDs since they were free and I enjoyed some of their stuff.

Eluvium played next. He had a little movie thingy that he showed that went along with his set. If he were selling copies of the movie I so would have bought his CD and the movie, they'd be the perfect cure for my insomnia. Seriously I yawned twice while the guy was playing and I was very close to falling asleep while standing up (which I've done before, most notably during basic training).

Mono came on next, you could instantly feel the energy pick up in the room. People gradually moved closer and closer to the stage, I could eventually feel the breath of some guy on the back of my neck. *shudders* They were so awesome that during the third song they made someone pass out due to their sheer awesomeness. People should know not to lock their knees and to be hydrated enough when it comes to standing for long periods of time. -__- Anyways they kept playing and I didn't pay much attention to the kid that passed out and they were orgasmic. I furiously masturbated to their music once I got back to my room. :p

Once the show was over at 12:50am, I had to go find an ATM since I had to take a taxi back to base since the metro was closed. I found a run down, ghetto-ass Giant supermarket (so glad I'm leaving in October) and took some money out for the cab fare and bought myself a drink. A cabbie blatantly told me "No" when I asked him to take me to my base. I waited 10-15 minutes to find a cabbie who didn't already have a fare and I finally found one. He dropped me off at the main gate since the cabbie was Middle Eastern and the SPs like to search cabs and shit, I had to walk around 15 minutes to get back to the dorms. Fun stuff.
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