What's been going on with the hurricane is fucking disgusting. It's also bitterly ironic.
It's fucked how the media is trying to turn people "looting" stores for food and clothing into criminals. No, just starve and wear dirty and wet clothes. Don't steal that bread. When things get back on the ground all those items, including moldy bread and water damaged clothing is going to be perfectly good and saleable.
What really turns my stomach is how George Bush has turned a blind eye to everything. He waited five days to send in help. Five days of people starving, freezing, sitting in their own filth and shit, being trapped, and dying. He claims to be a "Christian", but what is more un-Christ like to leave people to die? And why? Because they're poor and/or black.
As Kanye West said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people". As his action, or in this case, inaction shows, he obviously doesn't care about about black people. And he doesn't care about the poor or middle class either. He only cares about the ultra rich. The top 1%. That's to his own admission, as seen in Fahrenheit 911. All those people happen to be white.
Who do you think Louisiana voted for?