Dog Fighting/Michael Vick

Jul 26, 2007 23:46

NFL quarterback Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons was recently indicted on charges of sponsoring a large dogfighting operation. The indictment alleges that dogs were housed, trained, and fought at a property owned by Vick and that dogs who did not perform well were executed by hanging, drowning, and, in at least one case, slamming their bodies to the ground. PETA will be at Niketown in San Francisco on Monday, July 30, to demand that the company immediately break all ties with Michael Vick.

Please join In Defense of Animals for a demonstration outside Niketown in San Francisco. All materials will be provided, and we need activists to hold posters. Please contact Melissa at or 415-388-9641 ext. 228 if you can help or if you have any questions.

What: "Nike: Sack Vick" dogfighting protest
When: Monday, July 30, 12:00 noon to 1:00pm
Where: Niketown, at the corner of Post St. and Stockton St. in San Francisco.

The professional sports world is plagued with players who have been accused, charged, or convicted of cruelty to animals, abusing pit bulls, and dogfighting. We need to send a clear message to players and Nike that being a celebrity is not a sufficient excuse for breaking the law and that animal abuse should never be tolerated under any circumstances. Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know!

Be sure to tell people to visit to learn more about the cruelty of dogfighting and to tell Nike to drop Vick now!

Thank you for everything you do for animals!


Lindsey Twombly, Outreach Programs Supervisor
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
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