Please Call TODAY to ask that horse slaughter be banned!

Oct 19, 2010 16:13

But even if you can't do it today, the rest of the week counts too!


Animal Coalition to End Horse Slaughter.

Join the National Call in Day on October 19!

1) Call Speaker Pelosi at (202) 225-0100 or her San Francisco office, (415) 556-4862, on Tuesday, October 19 and ask her to schedule a vote NOW on H.R. 503!

2) Then call Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at his Nevada offices (702) 388-5020


3) Assistant Majority Leader Sen. Dick Durbin at (202) 224-2152 or fax (202) 228-0400, to schedule a vote NOW on the Senate version, S.B. 727.

This is also a perfect time to continue to call on members of Congress to step up and co-sponsor H.R. 503 or the Senate version, S.B. 727! Equine Welfare Alliance, Animal Law Coalition and Respect4Horses urge you to call on your U.S. representative and senators to co-sponsor this bill now! (There's a link in the link above to find out exactly WHO your reps and senators are, and their contact numbers.)

With mid-term elections fast approaching in November, there are relatively few days left in this Congressional session. But there is still time to pass the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, H.R. 503/S.B. 727.
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