When will they ever learn?

Jun 10, 2009 17:06

Yep, another one o' them "please sign the petition for animals" posts. I figure it's the LEAST we can do if we're not out there picketing. If we can spend untold hours googling and twittering and lol-ing over at lolcats.com, we can take 5 minutes for this. It's important.

This one's about NYC allowing infamous RINGLING BROS to set up at Coney Island this summer. ALL circuses that involve the (ab)use of animals should be boycotted.

The circus rips baby elephants away from their mothers and forces them into a life of pain, humiliation and loneliness. Animals used in the circus are beaten with bullhooks to break their natural instincts and individual will, and whipped and shocked with electric prods to force them to perform physically painful and confusing tricks.

I've hated circuses since the first (and last) time my mom brought me to one as a child in NYC. I was horrified at the sight of elephants and tigers/lions prancing on their hind legs, pawing the air to the sound of the bullwhips' crack. I started wailing "Let them GO! Let them GO!" so hysterically mom had to remove me from the premises.

The animals that are forced by fear and pain to appear in these out-dated circus performances are not cute Disney characters whose lives should be imprisoned for our momentary amusement.

(Yep, I'm the one who cheers when the bull horns the matador in the crotch.)
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