Stamped as Horse | Bird Families Theme

Mar 01, 2011 15:43

Previously Stamped As:
horse [regular]
cougar [wild cat]
grey wolf [wild dog]
reptile [vertebrate]
Dixie & Dug [animated disney dogs]
centaur [mythological i]
dog [eastern zodiac]
Nala & Simba [animated disney cats]
German shepherd [herding dog]
iguanodon [dinosaur]
zony [hybrid]
Maine Coon [longhair cat]
American Kestrel [na bird of prey]
Arabian [hot-blooded horse]
Charlie & Flo [animated movie dogs]
Irish Setter [sporting dog]
Dasher [reindeer]
ermine [arctic]
wild horse [patronus]
eagle & white horse [celtic zodiac]

Positive characteristics: creative, clever, cheerful, funny, hardworking
Negative characteristics: shy, critical, spazzy, secretive
Neutral characteristics: independent, stubborn, tough

This or That
Aggressive/Passive: In between
Secretive/Bold: Secretive
Alone/Pair/Group: Alone or pair
Loud/Quiet: More quiet
Fight/Flight: Fight first
Fast/Slow: Fast
Nocturnal/Diurnal: Diurnal
Colorful/Plain: In between
Sea/Land: Land
Flight/Flightless: Flight
Musical/Not: Not terribly musical
Herbivore/Omnivore/Carnivore: Any
Brilliant/Clever/Average: I'd prefer to be brilliant
Dangerous/Gentle: Can be dangerous when necessary

How do you get along with humans? Fairly well, if they don't bother me, I won't bother them
What's one thing you'd be specially known for? There's a lot of different types of birds in my family
How do you get along with other birds? Same as with humans
What would you be willing to eat?
[ ] animals
[ ] birdseed
[ ] carrion
[✘] fish
[ ] fruit
[ ] insects
[✘] nuts/seeds
[ ] anything

Would you migrate or live in one area? I wouldn't migrate, but I would live in a large area
Do you enjoy living in a variety of places or do you stick to one type? I like different places
Where would you be willing to live? No more than three please.
[ ] Africa
[ ] Antarctica
[ ] Asia
[✘] Australia
[✘] Europe
[✘] North America
[ ] South America
[ ] all but Antarctica
[ ] all of them

Which habitats do you prefer? No more than five please.
[ ] cities, towns
[✘] deserts
[✘] forests
[ ] inland
[ ] jungle
[✘] mountains
[ ] ocean islands
[✘] open spaces, plains
[ ] out at sea
[ ] polar regions
[ ] ponds, lakes, rivers
[ ] sea coasts
[ ] tropics
[ ] all but polar regions
[ ] all but polar regions and deserts
[ ] all but polar regions, deserts, and islands
[ ] anywhere!

Anything Else?
Which bird family do you feel is absolutely nothing like you? Flightless birds
Please vote on all unstamped applications. Check here [✘] when you have finished before posting your application.

[Voters, the list of available stamps is here]

theme: bird family: perching, [bird families theme]

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