Name: Alex
Age: 22
Location: Orlando, Florida
Positive characteristics: Passionate, ambitious, intelligent, selectively loyal, protective, opinionated, strong-minded, dependable, caring/devoted toward loved ones, good natured, independent, strong moral center, determined, hard-working, goal-oriented, driven, logical, analytical, resourceful, practical, creative, well-rounded, calm (unless provoked), adaptable
Negative characteristics: Quick-tempered, moody, distant, self-conscious, easily annoyed, obsessive over certain things, defensive, procrastinator, holds grudges, 'my opinion is better than yours' attitude, trust issues, uncomfortable with expressing emotions, broods to the point where I make myself miserable, sometimes arrogant, prone to stress, dislikes compromise
Neutral characteristics: Proud, stubborn, guarded, introverted, demanding on self, quiet and reserved (unless provoked), secretive
Color: Dark blues, teal, gray, bright greens, black
Book: Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, The Harry Potter series, Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Movie: The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Gladiator, Back to the Future, Galaxy Quest
Food: Seared ahi tuna, sushi, Eastern European food, donuts
Emotion: Peaceful
Tree: Palm
Flower: Daisies, wildflowers, sunflowers
Body of Water: Oceans
Continent: North America, Asia, and Africa
Song with a sample of lyrics: “American Pie” by Don McLean
Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While the sergeants played a marching tune.
We all got up to dance,
Oh, but we never got the chance!
`cause the players tried to take the field;
The marching band refused to yield.
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
This or That
Aggressive or Passive: Aggressive
Loud or Quiet: Quiet
Flamboyant or Secretive: Secretive
Carnivore, Omnivore, or Herbivore: Omnivore but carnivore works, too
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded: Warm-blooded
Cuddly, Standoffish, or Dangerous: Standoffish, but I would be dangerous if provoked
Common or Rare: Rare
High, Medium or Low Energy: High-energy
Flee or Fight: It depends on the situation. I'm not going to fight for the sake of fighting, but I will defend myself.
Travel or Stay: Stay, but I would like a large territory to roam in.
Hard-working or Lazy: Hard-working
How would you get from one place to another? I would use my limbs. I’d like to be athletic or agile.
Do you live a solitary life or in a family group? Solitary
How well do you get along with humans? I’d prefer to avoid humans altogether
How well do you get along with other animals? As a potential predator, probably not very well. I would also protect my territory from intruders. However, when I’m not hunting, as long as they don’t bother me, then I won’t bother them.
Would you prefer fur, scales, feathers, or a shell? Fur
How would you protect yourself? Teeth/fangs, claws, intelligence
Do you plan on training your young or leaving them to fend for themselves? Training my young would require greater amounts of time and energy, but my offspring are more likely to survive if I raise them.
What physical ability makes you unique? Intricate patterns or a piercing, unnerving stare
Arrange the seasons from favorite to least favorite. Summer, fall, spring, winter
Arrange these elements from favorite to least favorite. Land, air, water
Arrange these times from when you feel the most active to when you are the most tired. Afternoon, dusk, night, noon, morning, dawn
Would you build your own home? I would build a den underground or I would just use a landscape feature as my home
Where would you be willing to live? Choose up to five.
[ ] cave
[ ] city
[ ] cliffs
[X] desert
[ ] farm
[X] forest
[X] highlands
[ ] hills
[ ] icecap
[X] jungle
[ ] meadows
[ ] Mediterranean
[ ] mountains
[ ] ocean
[ ] ponds
[X] rainforest
[ ] rivers
[X] savanna
[ ] steppe
[ ] swamp
[ ] tropical island
[ ] tundra
[ ] with people
Anything Else?
Which one animal do you feel is absolutely nothing like you? I really, really hate frogs, and I’m not that fond of lizards either. Primates are too vocal and social for me (although there are some solitary species).
[X] I have voted (or will as soon as I post this) all unstamped applications!
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