Name: Myst
Previously Stamped As: Bird (Regular), Short-eared Dog (Wild Dogs), Bagheera & Marie (Disney Cats), White Lion (Big Cats), Himalayan (Longhaired Cats), Griffin (Mythological I), Ox (Eastern Zodiac), Belgian Sheepdog (Herding Dogs)
Age: 22
Location: SG
Positive characteristics: intelligent, compassionate, witty, creative, determined, loyal
Negative characteristics: snarky, procrastinator, stubborn, emotional, sarcastic, temperamental
Neutral characteristics: assertive, outspoken
This or That
Aggressive/Passive: I definitely wouldn't call myself passive, but I'm not aggressive either. Simply put, I won't go out of my way to attack anyone unless necessary, but I react and I react badly.
Secretive/Bold: Bold.
Alone/Pair/Group: Pair.
Loud/Quiet: Loud?
Rare/Common: Rare.
Stubborn/Adaptive: I tend to stubborn things out, but if I need to adapt, I will.
Fight/Flight: Fight.
Patient/Impatient: Patient.
Big/Medium/Small: Medium.
Fast/Slow: As a bird, I would love to go fast.
Solid/Multi-Colored: Either is fine!
Nocturnal/Diurnal: Nocturnal. (It's 4 am here. Why am I up?)
Endangered/Widespread: Endangered.
How do you get along with humans? Decently. If the arrangement is mutually beneficial, I'll co-operate, but I will fight back if threatened.
What color(s) would you like to be? Any colour! But I like classic white.
What's one thing you'd be specially known for? This sort-of-ish applies IRL as well, so I'll go with it - I'm really good at spotting stuff, details that other people miss, things that aren't quite right. So yeah.
How do you get along with other birds? Okayish.
How would you hunt? Clean, quick kills; the prey won't have time to know it's dead.
Describe your wings. They're pretty?
What would you be willing to eat?
[X] birds
[ ] carrion
[X] fish
[ ] insects
[X] larger mammals
[ ] reptiles
[X] small mammals
Pick a location or two: Canada, west U.S., east U.S., Mexico, Central America, South America Central and South America?
Is your habitat shrinking/changing or are you able to adapt? Habitats are shrinking, yes, but I'll adapt.
Where would you nest?
[ ] abandoned nests
[X] nest you built
[ ] nest you stole
[ ] somewhere people build for you
[X] tree hollow
[ ] underground
Where would you be willing to live? Choose up to four.
[ ] city
[X] desert
[X] forest
[X] lakes, rivers
[ ] meadows
[ ] mountains
[ ] ocean
[ ] prairie
[X] rainforest
[ ] suburbs
[ ] tundra
[ ] woods
Anything Else?
Which bird of prey do you feel is absolutely nothing like you?
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