Name: Lucy
Age: 20s
Positive characteristics:Intelligent, determined, kind, compassionate, logical, responsible
Negative characteristics: Stubborn, timid, vengeful, spacey
Neutral characteristics: Quiet
Color: Green (followed by blue, red, yellow, purple)
Book: Lord of the Rings
Movie: Lord of the Rings
Food: Pizza :D
Emotion: Contentment
Tree: Pine
Flower: Rose, lily
Body of Water:Creek or lake
Continent: North America
Song with a sample of lyrics:
One of my favorite songs ever is "Deliver Me" by Sarah Brightman
All of my life I've been in hiding.
Wishing there was someone just like you.
Now that you're here, now that I've found you,
I know that you're the one to pull me through.
This or That
Aggressive or Passive: Passive
Loud or Quiet: Quiet
Flamboyant or Secretive:Secretive
Carnivore, Omnivore, or Herbivore: Omnivore
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded: Warm-blooded
Cuddly, Standoffish, or Dangerous: Usually cuddly. Dangerous only if you really manage to tick me off.
Common or Rare: Rare
High, Medium or Low Energy: Low to Medium
Flee or Fight: If it's just me in danger, flee. If somebody I love is in danger, fight
Travel or Stay: Stay most of the time. Travel once in a blue moon.
Hard-working or Lazy:Hard-working
How would you get from one place to another? Preferably fly. If I don't have wings, then I suppose I will have to walk (or crawl).
Do you live a solitary life or in a family group? I live in a family group, but I do like to spend a lot of time alone, too.
How well do you get along with humans? Fairly well. I can tolerate them for the most part, except the hateful and/or rude ones.
How well do you get along with other animals? Very well.
Would you prefer fur, scales, feathers, or a shell?Feathers.
How would you protect yourself? Speed and agility. I would either fly away or run as fast as I can.
Do you plan on training your young or leaving them to fend for themselves? Training my young. I won't leave them until they're ready.
What physical ability makes you unique? It would be really cool to have excellent vision.
Arrange the seasons from favorite to least favorite. Spring, summer, fall, winter
Arrange these elements from favorite to least favorite. land, air, water
Arrange these times from when you feel the most active to when you are the most tired. afternoon, noon, morning, dusk, dawn, night
Would you build your own home? No.
Where would you be willing to live? Choose up to five.
[ ] cave
[ ] city
[ ] cliffs
[ ] desert
[x] farm
[x] forest
[ ] highlands
[x] hills
[ ] icecap
[ ] jungle
[x] meadows
[ ] Mediterranean
[ ] mountains
[ ] ocean
[ ] ponds
[x] rainforest
[ ] rivers
[ ] savanna
[ ] steppe
[ ] swamp
[ ] tropical island
[ ] tundra
[ ] with people
Anything Else?
Which one animal do you feel is absolutely nothing like you?Probably sharks.
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