Name: Nicole
Positive characteristics: Funny, kind, open-minded, genuine, romantic, loyal, laidback, passionate, compassionate
Negative characteristics: Impatient, quick-tempered, lazy, selfish, stubborn
Neutral characteristics: Sarcastic, strong-willed, opinionated
Stamped as:
Marsupial (Main)
Panther (Big Cat)
Dhole (Wild Dog)
Mammal (Vertebrates)
Roxanne & Jock (Disney Dogs)
This or That
This, that, or somewhere in between?
Aggressive or Passive: It depends on the situation. I'm sometimes passive if the situation isn't that big of a deal, but I can be really aggressive if I feel like something is unfair or just bullshit haha
Loud or Quiet: Loud for the most part
Flamboyant or Secretive: Flamboyant? I'm not secretive at all sooo....
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded: Warm-blooded
Flee or Fight: Fight
Travel or Stay: Travel
Hard-working or Lazy: Lazy
Trickster or Benevolent: Benevolent
Changing or Consistent: Changing
Dangerous or Harmless: In between
Do you live a solitary life or in a family group? Family! I can't live without family.
How well do you get along with humans? Eh, we're alright. If they mess with me then I'll like, rip their faces off but if they leave me alone, we're cool hahaha.
Would you prefer fur, scales, feathers, or a shell? Fur or feathers, please.
How would you protect yourself? Just with my badass fighting skillz haha.
What physical ability makes you unique? Ummm...maybe I'm colorful? I don't know.
Arrange these elements from favorite to least favorite. air, water, land, fire --- land, air, water, fire
What area would you be willing to live on? Choose up to three.
[ ] Africa
[x] Europe
[x] Greece
[ ] India
[ ] Middle East
[x] North America
[ ] South America
[ ] ocean
[ ] celestial
[ ] anywhere
Where would you be willing to live? Choose up to five.
[ ] cave
[ ] desert
[x] forest
[ ] highlands
[ ] hills
[ ] jungle
[x] meadows
[x] mountains
[ ] ocean
[ ] plains
[ ] ponds
[ ] rainforest
[ ] rivers
[ ] swamp
[x] tropical island
[ ] tundra
[x] with people
Which elements appeal to you? Choose up to three.
[ ] air and wind
[ ] darkness and night
[x] earth
[x] fire
[x] light and rainbow
[ ] ice and winter
[ ] metal
[ ] thunder and lightning
[ ] water
Which words might describe you?
[x] half-human
[ ] half-something, half-something else
[ ] changeling
[ ] cursed
[ ] trickster
[ ] ancient
[ ] modern
[x] powerful
[ ] innocent
[ ] secretive
[ ] untamable
[ ] tragic
[x] wise
[ ] fable
[ ] tall tale
[x] fairytale
[ ] horror story
Anything Else?
Which one creature do you feel is absolutely nothing like you? Anansi. He's too tricky and plus, I hate spiders.
For this theme, do you care if you get stamped as 2 creatures? Nope!
[x] I have voted (or will as soon as I post this) all unstamped applications!
[Voters, the list of available stamps is