Bullyland has updated
their website and now we know what new stuff will they introduce this year.
And, you know, there are some figures that really excited me, although I’m not a fan of Bullyland!
So, here are three definite must-haves for me:
Bartgeier aka Lammergeier (бородач)! Wow!!! This is a species I dreamt of but didn’t hope to see as a figurine! A landmark bird for S. Europe and Middle East. Big thanks to Bullyland from me personally! ;)
Maeusebussard aka Common Buzzard (канюк) - another landmark bird for Europe and N. Asia.
Inka-Kakadu - another very nice bird figure for any collection.
Who has been dreaming of an okapi baby? Now you’ll have the chance to get one.
But what I like more, is the new adult okapi in a very good pose that lets to disguise the height of the animal:
The new chimp is not too realistic, but its pose is very convenient for hanging this ape on a tree branch - a good solution for dioramas:
The meerkats are made as a single group - not the best solution, but groups of critters seems to be the key trend for Bullyland in 2011:
The Kegelrobbe aka Grey Seal looks surprisingly nice too:
In general, Bullyland seems to be improving its quality and model range, and this is a rejoicing fact!
Now, let’s wait and see what CollectA has prepared for 2011 - hopefully, there are pleasant surprises too.